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A chilly morning gave way to heavenly singing at the Umoja church Sanctuary. The service was a culmination of different activities that had taken place at the Church during the week. Dave and Beth Pocta were in town for the Ministry Training Academy (MTA), Youth and Family Ministry meeting and to worship with the rest of the Kenyan brothers and sisters.

The song leaders retreat was also taking place and the East Africa churches came together in what was dubbed AWAKENING THE HEART OF WORSHIP retreat. This Sunday however, both the singing and dancing were international courtesy of the dynamic song leaders from our sister churches. This was followed by a moving election to the Evangelical Ministry of Mr and Mrs Raymond and Lilly Musonye. In an emotional and warm sharing, the Maleya’s (John and Jane) appointed Raymond and Lilly as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry leaders to the joy of many disciples including their families. The vibrant Dave Pocta took to the stage and in an amazing sermon titled, ‘All ways that God speak to us’, gave us the way to Honour God in our lives.

Our sister churches made the singing to be great

Our sister churches made the singing to be great

Raymond and Lily Musonye being appointed Evangelists

Raymond and Lily Musonye being appointed Evangelists

Gifts for Beth and Pocta by the East Africa Churches of Christ

Gifts for Beth and Pocta by the East Africa Churches of Christ

Below is an excerpt of his preaching.
All ways that God speak to us.
Dave used the book of acts to show us how God speaks to us in different ways. Most people are stuck in thinking God only speaks in one channel yet He himself says in the book of Isaiah that His ways are far than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
Acts 1:4,8
Jesus Christ commands his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit who will be their helper and spokesperson. When the Holy Spirit came on them, they spoke in different tongues to the amazement of many. He even helped Simon Peter to preach the powerful sermon that saw over 3000 people being baptized on that very day. The million dollar question is, are we fanning the spirit into flames or are we suppressing Him in us?
Acts 1:15-17

God speaks through scriptures.
The word is a way that God speaks to us. The question is do we let him speak to us? Do we read and anticipate to learn from it? Most of the times people seek the scriptures that only tell them what they want to hear and ignore the scriptures that rebukes them. Some even avoid the Old Testament saying that Christ nullified it yet Christ says he did not come to do away with it but to only confirm that its real and it’s supposed to be followed.
Acts 8:1-4

God speaks through persecution;
God used persecution towards the believers so that the word would spread from Jerusalem to other parts of the world. Saul was part of the persecutors who made believers to scatter. It should be noted however that the Apostles remained in Jerusalem where they headed the church from. If there was no persecution maybe you and I wouldn’t have gotten to know the good news. So we shouldn’t grumble while in persecution but try to listen what our Lord what from us.
Acts 8:26

God prompts us to share our faith.
Most times God has placed chariots around us with people who need us to help them understand God’s word. The question is do we obey His prompts or we keep giving excuses?
Acts 9:3-7, 10-12

God speaks to us individually.
When I asked God to give me a place to serve as a youth and family minister, God placed a burden in me. I could feel Him saying I need to move but I didn’t know to where. I remember meeting up with different church leaders at one of the leaders’ conferences. We had prayed to God to show us where we needed to serve and we wanted the leaders themselves to invite us. During one of the final service, I prayed to God that the person I will meet when I get out of the church, I will ask him if he needs me to serve in their church. When I went behind the church I met with the brother who leads the South Africa church and I shared my burden with him. He was overjoyed and he called his wife. They shared of how they were praying for God to give them someone who could help build the youth and family ministry in South Africa. They had told God that the person should ask them, instead of them asking the person to help. That’s how my wife and I agreed to move to S.A. God spoke to us and he made it clear. God always answers our call through other believers.

Acts 11:19-21
God works through trials.
The more the church grew the more they got more trials. Trials did not stop them from preaching. God spoke to them more and made them to serve Him mightily.

Acts 13:1-4
God speaks through prayer and fasting.
Prayer and fasting are very important in our Christian life. The first century church couldn’t elect anyone without asking God’s permission through them. Every time we are to make an important decision we should consider first prayer and fasting.
Acts 16:6
God speaks through closing doors.
Sometimes the spirit will stop us from getting to some place. Closed doors are never a curse but God speaking to us. Most of the time people dwell in trying to open the door rather than focusing on God to open another one. It’s God who will either open or close any door.
Dave Procta is an evangelist and teacher in the International Churches of Christ specifically in Youth and Family ministry. He is married to Beth Pocta with two wonderful daughters Hannah and Maddy.

By Enock Kamau

CategoryKenya, Nairobi
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