One morning back in 2009, very early in the morning, 6am I go to work emotionally down from what was going on in my life, more so between me and my girlfriend, angry and didn’t feel like working.I was a restaurant cashier, getting to work the waiter on duty was late. I hardly had set up and four customers walk in,I walk to serve them reluctantly. I put up a smile, and great them. This guy introduces himself, “Am John, this is my wife Jane and this are our friends, what is your name? “I say my name and he goes on to tell me he has been praying to reach out to a Timothy since 1992.He gives me his business card and invites me to church.We become friends, they become regulars.I didn’t go to church as invited, I was suspicious of a church I didn’t know, One thing relaxed me, different groups from the church would meet and whenever I serve them they were always reading the Bible, guess Bible talks, and DT. My turning point was I was robbed while going home from work on the new year’s eve and among the things that were scattered on the road that night was the business card, picked it and felt God was talking to me, I decided to go to church, got to study the Bible, I liked the studies, they opened my eyes I eventually was baptized in September 2010.To me it was a shot at hope a second chance to be a person again. What I feel now🤔,there is no place I would rather be but with God.