By Nicodemus Otieno
KAKA teens ministry is a part of youth and family ministry that comprises two sectors within western block i.e Kawangware and Kangemi.
The teenagers took a challenge to visit one of the children`s home (Gardens children`s home located a long Naivasha road -Nairobi) in the neighborhood over the Easter Good Friday 14th April. This is in line with the book of James 1:27.. that pure and undefiled religion before God and the father is this ,to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world .
Some of the activities the teens carried out are as follows:-
- Cleaning of the home; washing the class rooms ,kitchen, dining rooms among others
- Playing games and dancing with them children (it was real fun)
- Little donations for the children such like clothes ,stationary for school work ,food stuffs and so on.

After having a great time, the teens proposed that this home be their long term project. Infact, one of the teens who just completed his high school level volunteered to work there as intern teacher.
We thank everyone who contributed in one way or another to make the day great.