Quarter 1


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18-Aug-2024 1. Creation 1 1. Day and Night
25-Aug-2024 2. Clouds and Sky
01-Sep-2024 3. Sun, Moon and Stars
08-Sep-2024 4. Review
15-Sep-2024 2. Creation 2 1. Land
22-Sep-2024 2. Water
29-Sep-2024 3. Plants
06-Oct-2024 4. Trees
13-Oct-2024 3. Creation 3 1. Fish
20-Oct-2024 2. More Fish
27-Oct-2024 3. Birds
03-Nov-2024 4. More Birds

Quarter 2


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10-Nov-2024 4. Jesus 1. Good News
17-Nov-2024 2. To Bethlehem
24-Nov-2024 3. Jesus is Born
01-Dec-2024 4. God’s Present to Me
08-Dec-2024 5. Jesus Loves Me 1. Jesus and the Children
15-Dec-2024 2. Jesus’ Love
22-Dec-2024 3. Jesus, My Friend
29-Dec-2024 4. I’m a Friend
05-Jan-2025 6. Jesus Loves Everyone 1. The Good Samaritan
12-Jan-2025 2. Be a Friend
19-Jan-2025 3. The Shepherd
26-Jan-2025 4. Jesus the Shepherd
02-Feb-2025 5. Review

Quarter 3


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09-Feb-2025 7. Animals 1. Pets
16-Feb-2025 2. Farm Animals
23-Feb-2025 3. Wild Animals
02-Mar-2025 4. More Wild Animals
09-Mar-2025 8. God made Me 1. I’m Special
16-Mar-2025 2. I Am Blessed
23-Mar-2025 3. I Have Senses
30-Mar-2025 4. God Made Everyone
06-Apr-2025 5. God Gives New Life
13-Apr-2025 9. Families 1. My Parents Love Me
20-Apr-2025 2. I Will Obey
27-Apr-2025 3. Brothers and Sisters
04-May-2025 4. Review

Quarter 4


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11-May-2025 10. Sharing 1. A Boy Shares His Lunch
18-May-2025 2. I Love to Share
25-May-2025 3. Lot Chooses First
01-Jun-2025 4. I Will Share
08-Jun-2025 11. Friendship 1. Breakfast with Friends
15-Jun-2025 2. Jesus Shares
22-Jun-2025 3. Jesus Visits Friends
29-Jun-2025 4. Jesus’ Friends
06-Jul-2025 5. Review
13-Jul-2025 12. Thankfulness 1. Healing the Sick
20-Jul-2025 2. Jesus is Thankful
27-Jul-2025 3. I am Thankful
03-Aug-2025 4. Be Thankful
10-Aug-2025 5. Review

Quarter 1


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25-Aug-2024 1. God’s Creation 1. The World
01-Sep-2024 2. Adam, Eve and Me
08-Sep-2024 3. Families
15-Sep-2024 4. Review
22-Sep-2024 2. Obedience 1. Adam and Eve
29-Sep-2024 2. Noah Makes God Happy
06-Oct-2024 3. God Makes Noah Happy
13-Oct-2024 4. Abraham and Sarah
20-Oct-2024 5. Abraham and Lot
27-Oct-2024 6. Isaac is Born
03-Nov-2024 7. Review

Quarter 2


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10-Nov-2024 3. Jesus 1. The Angel
17-Nov-2024 2. Mary Visits Elizabeth
24-Nov-2024 3. Jesus Is Born
01-Dec-2024 4. Escape
08-Dec-2024 5. Simeon and Anna
15-Dec-2024 6. Jesus In the Temple
22-Dec-2024 7. John the Baptist
29-Dec-2024 8. Review
05-Jan-2025 4. Heroes of Old 1. Moses’ Birth
12-Jan-2025 2. The Burning Bush
19-Jan-2025 3. Exodus
26-Jan-2025 4. The Shepherd Boy
02-Feb-2025 5. David and Goliath
09-Feb-2025 6. David and Jonathan

Quarter 3


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16-Feb-2025 5. Friends of Jesus 1. Jesus Makes Friends
23-Feb-2025 2. Bring Friends to Jesus
02-Mar-2025 3. A Miraculous Catch
09-Mar-2025 4. The Unmerciful Servant
16-Mar-2025 5. Jesus, James and John
23-Mar-2025 6. The Last Supper
30-Mar-2025 7. Review
06-Apr-2025 6. The Nature of God 1. Ten Commandments
13-Apr-2025 2. Josiah Loves the Word
20-Apr-2025 3. Joshua Listens to God
27-Apr-2025 4. God is Powerful
04-May-2025 5. God Listens to Me
11-May-2025 6. Righteous or Religious

Quarter 4


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18-May-2025 7. Giving 1. He Shared His Lunch
25-May-2025 2. Feeding 5,000
01-Jun-2025 3. The Paralytic
08-Jun-2025 4. I’m Healed
15-Jun-2025 5. Blind Bartimaeus
22-Jun-2025 6. I Can See
29-Jun-2025 8. Miracles of Jesus 1. Calming the Storm
06-Jul-2025 2. Quiet! Be Still!
13-Jul-2025 3. Walking on Water
20-Jul-2025 4. Peter’s Walk
27-Jul-2025 9. More Heroes of Old 1. Jonah Runs Away
03-Aug-2025 2. Jonah Obeys
10-Aug-2025 3. Gideon
17-Aug-2025 4. Mighty Warrior

Quarter 1


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18-Aug-2024 1. In the Beginning 1. Creation of the World
25-Aug-2024 2. Creation of Man
01-Sep-2024 3. Adam and Eve
08-Sep-2024 4. Cain and Abel
15-Sep-2024 5. Noah
22-Sep-2024 2. God’s Family 1. The Call and The Promise
29-Sep-2024 2. Faith and Obedience
06-Oct-2024 3. Devotion to God
13-Oct-2024 4. Family Feud
20-Oct-2024 5. Family Reunion
27-Oct-2024 3. The Life of Joseph 1. Young Joseph
03-Nov-2024 2. Tried and True
10-Nov-2024 3. Joseph Saves His Family

Quarter 2


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17-Nov-2024 4. God’s Son 1. The Promised Son
24-Nov-2024 2. Jesus’ Mission
01-Dec-2024 3. Jesus Is Born
08-Dec-2024 4. The Magi Visit Jesus
15-Dec-2024 5. Jesus’ Disciples 1. Peter and Andrew
22-Dec-2024 2. James and John
29-Dec-2024 3. Matthew
05-Jan-2025 4. The Twelve
12-Jan-2025 6. Jesus’ Mission 1. Time with Disciples
19-Jan-2025 2. Teaching the Disciples
26-Jan-2025 3. Sending the Disciples
02-Feb-2025 4. Go Make Disciples!

Quarter 3


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09-Feb-2025 7. Jesus With People 1. Lunch for 5,000
16-Feb-2025 2. The Poor Widow
23-Feb-2025 3. Touched By Jesus
02-Mar-2025 4. The Samaritan Woman
09-Mar-2025 8. Jesus Gives Life 1. Anointed at Bethany
16-Mar-2025 2. Triumphal Entry
23-Mar-2025 3. Crucifixion
30-Mar-2025 4. Resurrection
06-Apr-2025 9. Adventures of Moses 1. Early Years
13-Apr-2025 2. The Call of Moses
20-Apr-2025 3. Plagues and Passover
27-Apr-2025 4. Exodus
04-May-2025 5. Ten Commandments
11-May-2025 6.  Wilderness Years

Quarter 4


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18-May-2025 10. Joshua 1. Entrance into Canaan
25-May-2025 2. Jericho
01-Jun-2025 3. Achan’s Sin
08-Jun-2025 4. The Sun Stands Still
15-Jun-2025 5. Review
22-Jun-2025 11. Young Heroes for God 1. Samuel
29-Jun-2025 2. David
06-Jul-2025 3. Solomon
13-Jul-2025 4. Ruth
20-Jul-2025 5. Esther
27-Jul-2025 6. Josiah
03-Aug-2025 7. Daniel
10-Aug-2025 8. Review

Quarter 1


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25-Aug-2024 1. Creation 1. The Bible
01-Sep-2024 2. The World
08-Sep-2024 3. Science
15-Sep-2024 4. Man and Woman
22-Sep-2024 5. Sin Enters the World
29-Sep-2024 6. Noah and the Flood
06-Oct-2024 7. The Tower of Babel
13-Oct-2024 2. Patriarchs 1 1. Abraham Chosen by God
20-Oct-2024 2. The Birth of Isaac
27-Oct-2024 3. Abraham and Lot
03-Nov-2024 4. The Sacrifice
10-Nov-2024 5. Isaac and Rebekah

Quarter 2


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17-Nov-2024 3. Patriarchs 2 1. Jacob and Esau
24-Nov-2024 2. Jacob Deceived
01-Dec-2024 3. Jacob Returns Home
08-Dec-2024 4. Joseph
15-Dec-2024 4. Egypt to Canaan 1. Israel in Egypt
22-Dec-2024 2. Israel in the Desert
29-Dec-2024 3. Israel at Mount Sinai
05-Jan-2025 4. Exploring the Land
12-Jan-2025 5. Rebellion in the Wilderness
19-Jan-2025 6. Prepared to Enter
26-Jan-2025 7. Entering Canaan
02-Feb-2025 8. Conquering Canaan

Quarter 3


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09-Feb-2025 5. Judges 1. Deborah
16-Feb-2025 2. Gideon
23-Feb-2025 3. Samson
02-Mar-2025 4. Hannah-The Birth of Samuel
09-Mar-2025 5. Eli and His Sons
16-Mar-2025 6. Samuel and Saul
23-Mar-2025 7. Ruth
30-Mar-2025 6. Kings 1. David Anointed
06-Apr-2025 2. David and Saul
13-Apr-2025 3. David and Jonathan
20-Apr-2025 4. David’s Mighty Men
27-Apr-2025 5. The Reign of Solomon
04-May-2025 6. Ecclesiastes

Quarter 4


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11-May-2025 7. Divided Kingdom 1. The Kingdom Divides
18-May-2025 2.The Northern Kingdom 1
25-May-2025 3. The Northern Kingdom 2
01-Jun-2025 4. The Southern Kingdom
08-Jun-2025 8. Exile and Return 1. Esther
15-Jun-2025 2. Ezra and Nehemiah
22-Jun-2025 9. The Prophets 1. Who Were These Men?
29-Jun-2025 2. Isaiah
06-Jul-2025 3. Jeremiah
13-Jul-2025 4. Daniel
20-Jul-2025 5. Ezekiel
27-Jul-2025 6. Jonah and Habakkuk
03-Aug-2025 7. Haggai and Malachi
10-Aug-2025 10. Old Testament Review 1.God’s Family Reunion
17-Aug-2025 2. The Law and the Prophets

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01-Sep-2024 1. Evidences 1. Is There a God?
08-Sep-2024 2. How We Got the Bible
15-Sep-2024 3. Our Guide to Life
22-Sep-2024 4. Prophecies Fulfilled
29-Sep-2024 5. Jesus is God
06-Oct-2024 2. Guts and Glory 1. Courage to Follow
13-Oct-2024 2. Dealing with Fear
20-Oct-2024 3. Conviction
27-Oct-2024 4. Against the Crowd
03-Nov-2024 5. Helping One Another
10-Nov-2024 3. Character 1. The Humility of Jesus
17-Nov-2024 2. The Conviction of Jesus
24-Nov-2024 3. The Joy of Jesus

Quarter 2


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01-Dec-2024 4. The Great Commission 1. Making Disciples
08-Dec-2024 2. Entrust to Reliable Men
15-Dec-2024 3. Whatever the Cost
22-Dec-2024 5. The Uniqueness of Jesus 1. He is God
29-Dec-2024 2. He is Creator
05-Jan-2025 3. He is Judge
12-Jan-2025 4. He is Human
19-Jan-2025 6. Proverbs 1. Discipline and Laziness
26-Jan-2025 2. Speech
02-Feb-2025 3. Wisdom and Foolishness
09-Feb-2025 4. Things God Hates
16-Feb-2025 5. Money
23-Feb-2025 6. Humility and Pride

Quarter 3


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02-Mar-2025 7. Friendships 1. Spiritual Relationships
09-Mar-2025 2. Peer Pressure
16-Mar-2025 3. Being a Team
23-Mar-2025 4. Building Deep Relationships
30-Mar-2025 5. Communication
06-Apr-2025 8. Changed Lives 1. Samaritan Woman
13-Apr-2025 2. Zacchaeus
20-Apr-2025 3. Lydia
27-Apr-2025 4. The Ethiopian
04-May-2025 9. Family 1. The Plan
11-May-2025 2. Marriage
18-May-2025 3. Respect
25-May-2025 4. Resolving Conflict

Quarter 4


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01-Jun-2025 10. The Character of Jesus II 1. Compassion
08-Jun-2025 2. Self-control
15-Jun-2025 3. Patience
22-Jun-2025 4. Anger
29-Jun-2025 5. Thankfulness
06-Jul-2025 11. Evidences II 1. Medical Science and the Bible
13-Jul-2025 2. Physical Science and the Bible
20-Jul-2025 3. Archaeology and the O.T.
27-Jul-2025 4. Archaeology and the N.T.
03-Aug-2025 12. Crucifixion and Resurrection 1. Fulfilled Prophecies
17-Aug-2025 2. Gethsemane and Trial
24-Aug-2025 3. The Cross
31-Aug-2025 4. The Resurrection