Original post: https://www.disciplestoday.org/Living-loving-leading
“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7
The apostle Paul went back to tent-making. The Eleven went back to their boats and nets. They didn’t turn their backs on God, but they turned away from their all-out, full-time, sold-out attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.
Paul Nthei, East Africa missionary and church-leader, went back to photocopy machines.
Paul had at one time been leader of the church in the East African pearl of Uganda. He walked away from the full-time ministry, his heart heavy and his dreams crushed. He didn’t turn his back on God, but he turned away from his all-out, full-time, sold-out attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. He returned full time to repairing and servicing photocopy machines.
God blessed him with a beloved wife, Betty, and the two relocated in order have a fresh start. But a light on a hill simply cannot be hidden—not for too long, at least. In the Kenyan town of Eldoret, Paul and Betty’s faith in God and love for people resulted in a great impact among the sisters and brothers. They were asked (back) into the ministry. Previously unthinkable to Paul, he responded as he had when studying the Bible in 1992. He responded as he had when requested to leave his home country Kenya and go lead the church in Uganda. He responded as he had to umpteen opportunities to give and serve—“Here am I. Send me!”…
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