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The Nairobi Christian Church had a great week hosting Dave and Beth Procta who oversee the youth and Family Ministry in the International Churches of Christ.

Dave & John

Dave & John

At the Sunday Worship service at Nairobi’s Umoja Sanctuary on 29th April 2012, Dave gave a simple, succinct message full of anecdotes that left the congregation on the edges of their seats as scriptures came to life and truths that drew a clear difference of how disciples are expected to bring up their children came to light. “We have been consecrated – set apart for a holy purpose (1 Peter 2:9) to heal the nations, to provide redemption from sin and reconcile mankind with God.”

He emphasized that God had to take Abram and build a nation that will fill the whole earth and for Abram to pass the faith, he had to teach him to work and build a family. “God has a special relationship with his people. We are his treasured possession. He has consecrated us for his holy purpose (Exodus 19:4-6)”

He urged the church to love God with everything that they have (Deut 6:5) drawing examples from the Jewish culture and their level of strictness. He singled out the Jewish families who were in the habit of saying Shema – one of the most important Jewish prayers that believe in the existence of only one God (Deut 6:4} and impressed it on their children thus becoming a routine. How many times do we spend training our children? Are we like the Jews who spent time with their children and practiced Shema?

Training is time consuming and it takes long to teach a child in the way s/he should go.  However, we need to pray with them and teach them daily devotions. We need to read the scriptures with them. It is interesting how we dedicate the training of our children to other people. Parents expect the school to do everything including teaching our children morals and values. It is worrying to see parent/s have neglected their duties and expect the church to teach their children how to read the Bible?

He cautioned the parents, “when we don’t train our children, they will show temporary changes but eventually they will never make it and the blame will squarely lie on us.” However, he had a word of hope and encouragement, “God has richly blessed us with every possible blessing in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 1:3-6) and sets the tone for how a father looks at his son. “We should raise the children up and train them in the Lord. There is no special moment than seeing our children carry our faith by declaring to praise God. This is a blessing as we are the light of the world and we need to let our light keep shinning.”

During the heart rending sermon Dave could not stop talking about Kenya; its incredible countryside, national parks and animals but more amazing the people. He was inspired by the tremendous Spirit of the disciples in the church; he loved the coffee plantations and was fascinated to see goats on the road.

Family discussion

Family discussion

Family discussion

Family discussion


Dave narrated how their Youth & Family ministry journey to Africa came about and eventually landed them in South Africa. “Through a series of many prayers being answered, God moved me and my wife Beth to South Africa to minister to the families in an amazing way. We have lived in South Africa for two years and feel incredibly blessed to become familiar with so many of our brothers and sisters from across the continent.

In South Africa, they started a disciple’s academy and have seen more than 20 teenagers within the last 12 months and 80 students join the Academy.

Beth and Dave have extensively travelled in Africa and have been to French speaking African countries, East Africa, South Africa and West Africa.

They have been in the ministry for 21 years, 4 years in Minneapolis, 15 years in Chicago and 2 years in Johannesburg. It’s only when you take time to spend with them that you recognize their rich yet simple, unique and humble lifestyle.   While in Kenya, they got the priviledge to meet the church staff, youth and family members, the Evangelists and the whole church during the Sunday service.

He trained the staff in Biblical interpretation and sermon preparation & facilitated a class with youth and family on building great families for the glory of God and it was great to see parents dance with their children. He saw the elephant and was inspired by the different species of birds especially a blue Mohawk bird

always in the company of its spouse. “It is amazing that birds don’t leave their spouses behind.” He recounted visiting the Maasai homes and his wife Beth dancing with the Maasai’s, to the wildlife in the jungle, the rain and the jams. “It was a good time of adventure, evangelization and fellowship.”IMG_0005

Dave Procta has served as an evangelist and teacher in the International Churches of Christ and work specifically in Youth and Family ministry and has been married for 20 years with two wonderful daughters; Hannah 16 and Maddy 14.

Coffee plantation

Dave at a Coffee plantation

For Lillian Oloo, the message was clear.  “I am consecrated for God and He expects me to be responsible for my family by teaching them to live accordingly and be the best for God instead of leaving it solely to the church and the society.”

It was a great lesson from Abraham’s story that God wants to use the family unit to be able to establish His will to the rest of the world ” says Nicholas Kimanzi.  “I will want to be the best for my daughter or son, and God willing will strive to train them when they are young rather than trying to rectify when they are old,” he added as he looks forward to his coming wedding.

God’s church will be awesome when we fully love God and impress it on our children,” concluded John Kilaha the Lead evangelist for the Eastern Africa International Churches of Christ.

“The church also witnessed the baptism of Silvanus Omondi, Wekesa Edward ( from Campus ministry ), Lena Nyambura and Pamela Otieno who was reached out during women’s day this year.
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CategoryKenya, Nairobi
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