By Fred Opiyo
Media has become a very important tool for the church worldwide. The world is now a global village. Technology and the media are playing a very important role in disseminating the Word of God to reach every corner of the world.
The Nairobi Christian Church has not been left behind as it took this initiative to incorporate technology in the media to ensure we keep the world updated on the activities of the International Churches of Christ in East Africa (ICOCEA). The ICOCEA media team was reconstructed in January 2017 with members of the church who felt that they had the talent and passion for media to voluntarily offer their services and help the church meet this aspiration. The team made up of 48 brothers and sisters committed to this new mission.
Since it was voluntary and under the stewardship of Bro. Charles Omollo, only a handful was actively involved. Out of the few sisters, Carren Adhiambo remained consistent, being resourceful and committed to the team. She immensely contributed to the church’s social media platforms. Interestingly, Carren does not reside in Nairobi or its environs. She travels from Bomet a county in the Rift Valley region of Kenya which is over 200kms drive from Nairobi.
There is no ICOC church there; not even an existing Bible talk. When asked about any other disciples in Bomet, she answered, “I am so far the only one” and added,” I share my faith and bible-based convictions as a way to minister to others.”
Carren is a writer and this is what she loves doing, writing stories on activities and events of the church. “I chose to join the media to use my God-given gift in serving the ministry”, she says. Her service to the media team has stood out as she has wholeheartedly served the media team for the last two years.
Early in December 2019, the media team had an all-night to take stock of the year’s performance and the strategic plan for 2020-2023. Carren was the only sister present. She travelled from Bomet, a four-hour journey just to be with the rest of the team and those in attendance were blown away by her heart and conviction. This was so inspiring and encouraging. When I asked her about why she was so moved to make the journey yet it would have been understandable that it would not be easy for her. She answered, “I must deny myself first (Luke 9:23) and I find meetings scheduled for all nights easier to attend than during the day because of work commitments.”
Being alone as a disciple in Bomet, Carren has been making effort as a single sister, inviting her fellow single disciples from Nairobi and Kisumu to come for fellowship at her house. When she is in Nairobi she congregates with the disciples in the Southern block, where she and another sister Nzisa Embovo, are the media block representatives. It’s amazing how she coordinates this so well.
Many sisters have shied away from serving or signing up to serve in the media but even with the few we have, Carren has shown a high degree of commitment. She appeals to those sitting on their God-given talents to come out and serve through those talents which we have been freely given.
Carren works with the National government’s Ministry of Interior and National Coordination and is engaged to be married soon. “I am excited about the prospects though a bit nervous since it’s a new journey I am walking into. I believe that everything is God’s story, we are His mere vessels.” She answered when I asked her how she felt about getting married.
My advice to the singles aspiring to get married is everything on earth belongs to God as Psalm 24 says. The singles should put their trust in God and never lean on their own understanding – Proverbs 3:5-6.
“My vision for the Church media in the next five years is that it will be empowered to be the main means of winning souls considering the area of digitization we will be in by then. The media team has an enormous role to play in the growth of the church and also in spreading the love of God to different parts of the world.”
Carren was baptized in Kakamega church of Christ on 14th March 2010, and has until 2019 been worshipping with the Kisumu Church before she moved to Bomet.
The glory goes back to God.