The teens engaged in a buzz of activities during April school holiday. A few of the activities have been highlighted the following stories:
At the Umoja Sanctuary, where the Eastern Block segment of the Nairobi Christian Church meets also had a buzz of activities especially on Sundays’. The activities are highlighted below:
On the 16th of April the teens who meet at the Umoja Sanctuary had the opportunity to play basketball together. A team of 4 teams were created (including a few sisters) and the teens played off the afternoon as they shared snacks and cheered the teams on.
On the 23rd of April, the whole church was meeting together after the MTA training (Ministry Training Academy) and the teen mentors organised a teens talent show for the teens to showcase their talents as they had a fun-filled fellowship afternoon.

Concert audience

Teens getting down with the latest dancing styles

Some teens and teen mentors taking a selfie after the concert
On the 30th of April, the church was celebrating “Child Dedication Sunday” which coincided with teens-led service. The teens did a good job of leading the service at the Umoja Sanctuary. They participated in leading the church in praise and worship, introduction of the Sunday service, sharing their lives ~ especially what made them become disciples and also led the communion service. Below are some snapshots on what transpired.

Teens presentation

Teens doing the service introduction

Teens giving life testimony