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As the curtain fell on 2011, the teen’s ministry had a lot to give thanks for to the Almighty God who has under the leadership of Amos and Kiki done tremendous things.

Together with the tireless efforts of the teen mentors who have worked behind the scenes to ensure the success and growth of the ministry albeit the challenges involved in dealing with the pains of growing up. God has been faithful and all the activities have but served to bring together the teens from different backgrounds as a united front.

As our lead Evangelist would put it there has been lots of fun, food and fellowship among the energetic minds also dubbed the future church. A flurry of activities has otherwise seen this vibrant ministry grow in leaps and bounds.

From the Camp, holiday retreats, opening and closing day bashes, bee Sunday… have all but served one purpose of uniting the teens.

Under the Bereans region, the teen’s ministry has recorded an impressive growth in baptisms and teens committing their lives to Christ this past year. A total of 48 teens were baptised in the LordJesus Christ, Twenty (20)of which were brothers and the rest twenty eight(28) sisters.

Outstanding in last year’s baptisms is that a bigger percentage of these teenagers are second generation disciples whose parents are disciples or got married in the Kingdom.

Esther Mwanza, Joshua Ondatto, Mary Ajwang,  Fridah   Awour, Josy  Adhiambo , Pauline Nguku are among the second generation disciples that is sure to take the Church to a new level in years to come.

In the midst of all the peer pressure and secular influence Esther Mwanza chose to go against the grain and block some of her friends on face book whose convictions did not match hers…after she had made Jesus the Lord of her relationships and friendships.

There is also Pauline Nguku whose desire was to become a disciple before joining boarding school, her persistence and initiatives to study the Bible stood out, as she would always call and text to find out when her next study would be; what eagerness!

Away from the second generation disciples, we also have Caro Awour whose parents are not disciples and having to walk to church to fellowship with the others has not been an easy fete. It’s evident that her convictions stemmed solely from her, what a heart!

The numerical growth has also seen a growth in spirituality.  And as Paul would exhort us in 2NDTimothy 2:2 ‘…… and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also….’ some of the older teens are now being groomed to take over the mentorship of their younger brothers and sisters joining in, all to the glory of God.

The year 2012 promises to yield a bigger and better harvest. In the words of Jesus; “The harvest is plentiful……. Matthew 9:37.

So as we gear up for this New Year 2012, we look forward to scaling to greater heights spiritually.

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