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“Help Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.” Psalm 12:1

It was a unique Friday night as brothers from the Nairobi Christian Church deserted their homes to brave the chilly weather not for the worldly reasons associated with Friday, but to congregate at the Umoja sanctuary and explore the above scripture proclaimed many years ago by David, a man after God’s heart and which threatens to tear the society apart.

With great singing and awesome worship, the well lit magnificent building radiated as men prepared their hearts for the marathon night. The song leaders did a commendable job.  It was a night to behold and cherish.

Deacon Julius Nguku gave statistics, pictures and illustrations based on past research findings on the male vis a vis the female gender in different aspects.  The alarming, shocking and despicable faces from his audience confirmed that this was no ordinary all night but was a gathering where weighty issues were being presented in doses. When he started talking about how drug and alcohol abuse had ruined homes, it became more disheartening as he unrelentingly moved on to the issue of absent fathers and never-to-be fathers.

The theme that resonated was the same, ‘it was high time men should take up their leadership position that God bestowed upon them’.

It was a night of learning sharing, and resolutions and the movie courageous brought the point home and was the major decisive point. The strongly themed Christian movie christened, “courageous” pricked the hearts of the brothers and after the movie, and the sharing was immense, deep, reflective and merciful.

The all night offered  a unique blend of parents, shinning stars, campus and teenagers camouflaged together and it was inspiring to see fathers share same platform with their children as they poured out their hearts after great learning lessons and coming up with long term resolutions to be men of courage. At the end of it all, hearts were humbled, brothers were ready to confront their fears and deal with them once and for all.  The movie courageous seemed to have awakened the sleeping giants in each of us. In 2Kings 2:2-3 Deacons Nguku aptly puts it. “God did not create man as defined by the world. God created man so that He can be glorified in the man.”

The lead Evangelist in his short succinct class ‘Rise up, o men of God’ did not mince words by pointing out that men have failed to protect their families spiritually as they are devoid of love and friendship. When was the last time you saw a man portrayed as a hero or as noble virtue? He asked the astonished male congregation who responded with pin drop silence.

For men to move forward they have to leave the lesser things of the world give our heart, soul and strength to the Lord. The single men resolved to have more group fellowships/dates  and to spend quality time with single mums as well as take up fatherly roles to their children who have lacked a father figure in their lives.

The church for us men should not wait as we are leaders because God made us to lead. The church needs spiritual fathers and her strength is equal to her task. So as men, we should lift high the cross as we are carefully building the solid foundation of the Cross of Christ. It is worthy of us as men to suffer the way Christ did. It is what God thinks of us that is important.

The brothers left the sanctuary deeply imprinted in their hearts, the words of Ecclesiastes 12:13. ‘Now, all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man’. It was a timely intervention to have the all night as, hearts were moved and people were willing to change and deal with their past which still hindered them. To God be the glory.

CategoryKenya, Nairobi
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