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The church website was launched by the media team on 5th October Sunday Service. The work began around a year back and the team was pleased to finally have it completed. The features for the new website include: Links to affiliations (HOPE worlwide Kenya, MTA, Disciples Today, ICOC HOTNEWS) Media functionalities ( Blog – Commenting…

For the second time in a row, Gilliane Otieno, Raisa Wanjiku and Maxrore Wambua qualified to represent Kenya in the World Youth Chess Championships held in Durban South Africa from September 20-29, 2014. This year’s event was held at the magnificent International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. It was a significant competition in the sense that…

The East African Married’s Retreat will be held on the 18-20 October 2014  at Jumuia Resort  in Limuru. The Charges are Kes 18,000.00 per couple for resident participants and Kes 11,200 for those commuting back and forth . 70% deposit is required by the end of September 2014. The theme for the retreat will be…

The International Churches of Christ held the International Leadership conference (ILC) in Singapore from 27th to 29th August 2014. The conference drawing leaders from different corners of the world was themed BUILD with all the messages geared into helping the leaders to once again focus on building God’s house (Kingdom). This is through building their individual personal…

A chilly morning gave way to heavenly singing at the Umoja church Sanctuary. The service was a culmination of different activities that had taken place at the Church during the week. Dave and Beth Pocta were in town for the Ministry Training Academy (MTA), Youth and Family Ministry meeting and to worship with the rest…

Rwanda is a country that is healing from the genocide that killed over one million people in 100 days ten years ago in 1994.This brutality destroyed the fabric of human existence, trust, love and hope. This loss also brought abject poverty to levels never experienced before. The church in Kigali Rwanda has gone through many…

The disciples from the International Churches of Christ East Africa (ICOCEA) family are gearing up for the 2014 singles retreat to be held in Moshi Tanzania. Branded “Moshi Retreat” with the theme, “Scaling the heights” drawn from Psalms 18: 29 & 33b “– In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I…

The Nairobi Christian Church witnessed for the very first time a teens led thanksgiving service at the Umoja Sanctuary on the 1st December 2013. Amos Otieno the teens’ ministry leader delivered the sermon on appreciating the gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ through repentance. He focused on 1st Timothy 1:12-17, urging the congregation to do their level…

The second East Africa Ministry Training Academy was held on the 26 -27th July 2013 at the church building in Umoja Nairobi. Michael Burns a teacher with the St Pauls Church of Christ Minneapolis was the facilitator. He is also the lead teacher of the Upper Midwest Churches of Christ in the USA.

Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” This scripture helps us to reflect on our lives and the one (Jesus) who called us into the light. Jesus is not interested with the ‘healthy’…

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