The church website was launched by the media team on 5th October Sunday Service. The work began around a year back and the team was pleased to finally have it completed.
The features for the new website include:
- Links to affiliations (HOPE worlwide Kenya, MTA, Disciples Today, ICOC HOTNEWS)
- Media functionalities ( Blog – Commenting on posts, Sermons & Video)
- Downloads
- Social Media (Facebook page links)
- Mobile responsive ( Looks great on Tablets, Phablets & Phones)
- Anniversary and Family&Youth (Teens camp) pages
- Visibilities to upcoming events (Marriage Workshop, Youth camp, MTA, 25th Anniversary)
- Ability to do online transactions
Evangelist Mike Odwallo called upon Tewolde & Lincoln who took the church through the main features. The media team would like to thank everyone who was involved in making it happen.