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For those who love the Scriptures, the Biblical Study Tour opens a panorama of both history and imagination. The BST takes us to places of biblical significance (for both testaments) and can literally change the way we read God’s Word. Tour leaders: Drs. Douglas Jacoby (Atlanta) & Steve Kinnard (New York).

There’s a lot of talk about doing what Jesus would do (WWJD?), but how about walking where Jesus walked? Vicki and I would like to invite you to join our 2016 annual tour — as we return to Israel.

Benefits of joining the tour

  • Your faith will be strengthened. You will no longer have to only imagine what the biblical world looks like; now you can remember!
  • The fellowship is invigorating. Make new friends from around the globe.
  • Your heart will fill with memories to last you the rest of your life.
  • The Bible will come to life, revealing  a new dimension, as you better your grasp of history, geography, archaeology, and the movement of the biblical story.
  • Equipped with a more solid understanding of scripture, your confidence in talking to others will grow.

You’ve thought about these locations for years; now’s your chance to experience them — or to experience them anew, if this will be a return visit.

Includes most or all of the following: prayer in Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, Garden Tomb, visit to Herodion (tomb of Herod the Great), Bethlehem, Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Pool of Siloam, Warren’s Shaft, Western Wall Tunnel, Temple Mount, Holy Sepulchre, Israel Museum/Dead Sea Scrolls, Armageddon, Dan, Maritime Caesarea, Hazor, Decapolis, Qumran/Dead Sea Caves, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Sea of Galilee, Bethsaida, Masada, underground tunnels of Jerusalem, and more!

The tour is 24-31 October. We begin with dinner in Tel Aviv on the evening of 24 October, and the closing banquet is in Jerusalem on the 30th. If you’re flying through the night, you will leave home on the 23rd to land on the 24th. Breakfast on the 31st is included; return home anytime that day.

Who may come?
The tour is open to everybody, believers and seekers alike. Children age 12 and above are also welcome, provided they are mature enough to appreciate the sights. College students, check with your university to see if this trip can count for course credit. There is a fair amount of walking around the various sites, including hilly terrain, so average fitness is desirable, and and good walking shoes are a must. As of 11 Dec, the 2016 BST group already represents 11 nations and ranges in age from 14 to 70.

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