The church website was launched by the media team on 5th October Sunday Service. The work began around a year back and the team was pleased to finally have it completed. The features for the new website include: Links to affiliations (HOPE worlwide Kenya, MTA, Disciples Today, ICOC HOTNEWS) Media functionalities ( Blog – Commenting…

For the second time in a row, Gilliane Otieno, Raisa Wanjiku and Maxrore Wambua qualified to represent Kenya in the World Youth Chess Championships held in Durban South Africa from September 20-29, 2014. This year’s event was held at the magnificent International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. It was a significant competition in the sense that…

The East African Married’s Retreat will be held on the 18-20 October 2014 at Jumuia Resort in Limuru. The Charges are Kes 18,000.00 per couple for resident participants and Kes 11,200 for those commuting back and forth . 70% deposit is required by the end of September 2014. The theme for the retreat will be…

The Nairobi Christian Church witnessed for the very first time a teens led thanksgiving service at the Umoja Sanctuary on the 1st December 2013. Amos Otieno the teens’ ministry leader delivered the sermon on appreciating the gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ through repentance. He focused on 1st Timothy 1:12-17, urging the congregation to do their level…

Disciples’ children shone during this year’s qualifiers for the World Youth Chess Championships held in the first week of July at the Simba Union Club in Nairobi Kenya. Raisa Wanjiku and Gilliane Otieno finished on joint top in the under-10 category while Maxrole Wambua finished third in the boys’ under-10 category.

Sporting in the 21st century has come of age. Chess which was considered the rich man’s wit game has now become the cream of the modern society and the current generation has not been left behind either. Mid last year a call was made from the pulpit of the Nairobi Christian Church to parents whose…
Gilliane Otieno, Raisa Wanjiku (Shishi) and Maxwell Wambua from Nairobi Christian Church will represent Kenya at the World Youth Chess championships to be held in Slovania in November 2012. Gilliane (7), Shishi (9) and Maxwell (8) qualified after a competitive and challenging two day World Youth qualifiers tournament held at Oshwal Primary School in Parklands.
Teenage-hood is a period where children need to be raised by their parent(s) as it is a crucial stage in a child’s life. Parent(s) need to be role models in their child’s life; if they don’t then, their role models will automatically become their peers. This was evident during the just concluded career day held…
As the curtain fell on 2011, the teen’s ministry had a lot to give thanks for to the Almighty God who has under the leadership of Amos and Kiki done tremendous things. Together with the tireless efforts of the teen mentors who have worked behind the scenes to ensure the success and growth of the…