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Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” This scripture helps us to reflect on our lives and the one (Jesus) who called us into the light. Jesus is not interested with the ‘healthy’…

Recently the very exciting and captivating Summer Olympic Games were held, which brought together men and women from all nations in a colourful carnival of celebration and competition. While the Olympics pit nation against nation, in Christ we are all on the same team. 1 Corinthians 9:24 – 25 “Do you not know that in a…

As the world prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a small congregation of the Nairobi Christian Church met at the YMCA Central in Nairobi on 21st December for the usual midweek service. However, unknown to them, this time around it was midweek with a difference. A fair number of the disciples having had travelled…

Various challenges in life teach us invaluable lessons and draw us closer to God at times when we might be tempted to pull away. Health challenges are particularly testing for us.  Onyechi Oguagha, evangelist in Brooklyn, New York and one of the members of the original mission team to Kenya, was recently diagnosed with prostate…

Written by Nicasius Kamani Series: GIVING TO THE WORK OF CHRIST Topic:                    GIVING—THE INDESCRIBABLE GIFT Main Text:          2 CORINTHIANS 9:6—15 Introduction As Christians it is important to revisit the scriptures and hear from God on what he says regarding this matter of Giving to the Work of Christ. As we will learn, giving is such an indescribable…

Wednesday, 15 June 2011 03:00 | Written by Nicasius Kamani Series:  IN GOD WE TRUST Topic: THE ERROR OF BALAAM (Part 2) Main Text:  Numbers 22:30-41; 23; and 24 Introduction In our quest to trust in God, we make many mistakes that annoy God and cause us to drift far off from him, just like we see…

Written by Nicasius Kamani SERIES: CHARACTER CHANGE Part 5: The Supreme Character of Jesus Christ Introduction In trying to explain what they would do if the greatest of the dead were to reappear suddenly in flesh,one man said:“If Shakespeare entered the door we would all rise; but if Jesus appeared, we would all kneel in…

Written by Nicasius Kamani SERIES: CHARACTER CHANGE Part 4: The Three Character Traits the Lord Hates Introduction The Israelites were barely in the desert for a few weeks. They now stood at the edge of the Promised Land—at the edge of a great victory. It was clear that God was about to give them rest.

Written by Nicasius Kamani Series: IN GOD WE TRUST Topic: THE ERROR OF BALAAM (Part 1) Main Text: Numbers 22 Introduction When king Balak’s representatives came and presented their request to Balaam, he initially did the right thing—he sought to know the will of God regarding the matter at hand (Numbers 22:8). Balaam prayed.

Written by Nicasius Kamani SERIES: CHARACTER CHANGE Part 2: Taking a Stand for God no Matter What—the Story of Daniel HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The book of Daniel is written in two almost separate parts. Chapters 1 to 6 describe six incidents in the life of Daniel and his three friends; while chapters 7 to 12 describe…

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