The launches of these churches were not mere events but celebrations of God’s work, with disciples from various regions making dedicated trips to witness and support these new beginnings. Kilifi saw its launch in March 2022, Nakuru followed suit in November 2022, Mbarara in October 2022, and Kakamega experienced a re-launch in October 2023. The involvement of disciples from across the regions underscored the unity and shared joy within the East African ICOC community.
Kilifi Church launch in March 2022 (View more pics)
Nakuru Church launch in 2022 (View more pics)
Mbarara church launch in 2022 (View more pics)
Kakamega Church re-launch in October 2023
As we witness the fulfillment of the vision to know God and make Him known in various cities across East Africa, we give all the glory to God for the remarkable journey so far.