By Fred Opiyo Media has become a very important tool for the church worldwide. The world is now a global village. Technology and the media are playing a very important role in disseminating the Word of God to reach every corner of the world. The Nairobi Christian Church has not been left behind as it…

By Charity Asatsi It was on a cold Sunday morning when sisters from Northern block met in preparation for their Women’s day which unlike other years, they were going to host it at Langata Women’s Prison in Nairobi, Kenya. The theme, “Becoming the Change” was timely, as it focused on how women could become agents…

By Florence Atieno and Jackline Macharia About ninety women from Nairobi Christian Church, Northern block ministry, celebrated their Women’s Day on the 3rd of November 2019 with the women at the Langata Women’s Prison. The convicts led powerful praise and worship sessions and later shared their life stories. The journey towards this day started in September,…
The Auki's serve as the Lead Evangelist in Eastern Africa.
The Mondas lead the Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church
The Kimanzi's co-lead Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Monda's. The Odwallos lead the Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Mbuva's co-lead Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Odwallo's. The Musonyes lead the Nothern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Otieno's co-lead Northern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Musonyes.
Evangelist William Auki and Women's Ministry leader Victoria Auki
Evangelist Samson Monda and Women's Ministry leader Judy Monda
Mr and Mrs Wilfred and Janet Kimanzi
Evangelist Mike Odwallo and Women's Ministry leader Liz Odwallo
Evangelist Sammy Mbuva & Women's Ministry leader Eunice Mbuva
Evangelist Raymond Musonye & Women's Ministry leader Lily Musonye
Mr. and Mrs. Amos and Gakii Otieno
Eastern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820141
Northern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820162
Southern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820157
Western Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820136