On February 18th, the International Churches of Christ Nairobi sanctuary at Umoja Estate buzzed with excitement as the Church warmly welcomed visitors including Yannick Le Noan (Elder, Paris Church) and Chris & Rolayo Ogbonnaya (Evangelist West Africa English-speaking countries) Disciples representing the ICOC Nairobi blocs, including Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western blocs, gathered at 10:00…

On October 29, 2023, a significant milestone was celebrated in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania when we gathered to witness the appointment of Joachim and Evelyne Pallangyo into the service roles of Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader, respectively. The Pallangyos are the first Tanzanians to be appointed in this capacity in our ICOC family of Churches here…

In January 2023, the dedicated Leadership Team, supported by the Nairobi Church Administration and the Church Board of Directors, launched the East Africa School of Missions, known as DAKUSOM (DAn KUria School Of Missions). Working diligently behind the scenes, this visionary team is committed to ensuring the seamless functioning of financial affairs and ministry work…
Joachim and Eva Pallangyo lead the Dar es Salaam Church in Tanzania.
Contact: joachim.Pallangyo@icocea.org; eva.Pallangyo@icocea.org
Venue: Golden Rose Hotel
Sunday Service: 9 - 11 am
Wednesday Service: 5 - 6 pm
P.O BOX 11959 Arusha
Venue: AEE House Kondoni, Dar es SalaamJoachim and Eva Pallangyo
Sunday: 9 - 11 am
Wednesday: 6.30 - 7.30 pm