By Gilbert Wandera
Saturday April 28, 2018 was a red letter day in every sense.
It was a day when fathers and daughters from the Eastern block turned out for a memorable dinner dance at Triple O restaurant.
The restaurant located in Utawala provided the perfect ambience and food for what turned out to be a first in the kingdom.
First of all, fathers and daughters in tow spent about half an hour taking pictures clearly determined not to forget the event.
Then afterwards it was followed by fellowship where fathers and daughters shared how they felt about each other; a sharing that was punctuated by tears in some instances.
Some fathers had written long love letters to their daughters and used the opportunity to share the same with them.
After some heart felt sharing, it was time for dinner and this did not disappoint. Two pieces of well-made pizza downed with ice cream was a perfect build up to the dance that was to follow later on upstairs.
And when the dance started all inhibitions were thrown off as first the fathers and daughters danced together and then in turns to the delight of everyone around.
At exactly 8.30pm it was time to go home though everyone was yearning for more.
According to Julius Nguku one of the organizers of the event, it was meant to cement the relationship between fathers and daughters.
“The idea to have this event was necessitated by the need to create a good relationship between fathers and daughters. We look forward to doing many more of such events in future,” he said.