By Timothy Machuka
“Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8
The Eldoret Christian Church held its sports day on 29th April 2018. The day started in earnest with many trooping in wearing their sports gear and in team colours ready for the games.
The competing teams were East ministry, West ministry, Central ministry and Youth ministry made up of teens, campus and singles.
The day was perfect and we thank God that it was sunny till late evening. There was spiritual feeding first which is really precious. The singing team led in praise and worship songs then Evans Simiyu preached on “Humility in Relationships.’ Jesus calls us to come to Him and learn from Him, for He is humble and gentle. Matthew 11: 28-30.
Evans helped us see how God desires to have a relationship with us which takes humility. Pride ruins our relationship with each other more so discipling relationship which is meant to sharpen us to have an awesome walk with God. This marked the end ‘Faith in Discipling Relationships,’ monthly classes and we now look forward to start ‘Faith in Family Relationships’ for the month of May.
The games began with kids kingdom races which were a huge delight and a beautiful curtain raiser perhaps a good reminder of how we should run, not as we have obtained everything but as Christ enables us forgetting what is behind and pressing on to what is ahead, as Paul puts it in Philippians 3:12-14.
This was followed by women and men’s 50 metres race backlash. A dash of adrenaline was evident when this wonderful women and men of God leaped forward, but moving backwards, it was slow and tripping, giving a vivid message that moving forward with Jesus is empowering and exciting as opposed to moving backwards, ones falls over and over again with no end in sight, suffice it to say waking up and keeping on running, grace sees us to the finish line.
Next up was mixed relays, 50 metres baton and sack relay in teams of four, two sisters and two brothers. Of interest to note was team work, coordination and supporting each other to ensure one finish the race. Just when you are tired someone else picks you up and makes you a winner, we really need each other walking in unity, Paul says, ‘Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace’. Ephesians 4:3
The youth ministry bagged the victory and in that you could see that energy and zeal are as equally as important in our walk with God. We constantly need to feed on God’s word and gain strength for us to remain vibrant spiritually. Isaiah 40:28-31
“Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
After lunch, a surprise game was Unleashed, slippery floor tag of war, everyone expected tag of war but none imagined it to be slippery. Sisters went first then afterwards the brothers’, youth’s versus marrieds. What a clear picture this portrayed. We live in a slippery world, Satan is always pouring soap and water on our path, sometimes we fall and get dirty, as the Swahili saying goes goes, ‘kuteleza si kuanguka’ (tripping is not falling)
There is always need to wake up and try again. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, you always need people in there pulling with you, while Jesus continues working ensuring you are pulled to safety. Highlight of the moment was when the men’s bodied married team was winning against the skinny ordinary youth team and the mothers jumped in and pulled their sons to safety, indeed a mother’s love is incredible, how much is Jesus love?
The icing of the cake was football match pitying the youth ministry and Marrieds ministry men, a great game and the youth fought against the experienced married team and convincingly took it home.
Apart from the physical aspect, this was also a great day of bonding and hanging out together in an easy environment. There were friends, family members visiting and plenty of food for everyone
We thank God for a great day with Zero casualties and injuries. We pray for even a greater sports day in August 26th 2018. The day was crowned with a Thanksgiving prayer and lots of love.
To God be the glory.
Great story Timothy! Very well put. Awesome ideas from you our brothers and sisters in Eldoret. Keep up the good work. God bless.
Nice documentary. The soapy Tug of war portrays the way Satan really plays us. I need the Full armour of God. Amen.