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The reality that death is inevitable and the dread that comes with the thought of the funeral expenses is always chilly, because of the traditional culture where death in itself is a ceremony and where the dead are not buried immediately.

This burden is mainly shouldered by the deceased’s family and if it happens that the deceased was the breadwinner, then the realities of life after becomes more harsh and unbearable.

“For a long time the benevolence committee has been trying to see how they can be able to deal with the issue of funeral costs that have kept recurring every now and then since the church has been growing considerably, says Deacon David Kamau. “We have finally come up with a brilliant idea that will be able to save disciples from the pain of harsh realities when we lose our loved ones.”

The scriptures are clear on the need for us to have a future plan for our generation. In Genesis 23:4, Abraham asks the Hittites to sell him property to bury his dead after his wife died and in Matthew 25:59-60, Joseph of Arimathea had bought the tomb which he allowed Jesus to be buried.

The Benevolence scheme has been there for a long time but it was until 2003 that the Benevolence committee was set up.  The scheme has been addressing various needs ranging from medical, death, displacement especially during the Post Election Violence to orphans and schooling. It was from the objectives of Benevolence Ministry long term that the idea of the funeral scheme was born.

The scheme is a realistic situation that we cannot wish away as people keep dying and we have to keep raising money. Funeral is a need within us. “Most people go through a lot as they struggle to raise funds to cover the funeral. If they have somewhere they know the fund will come from, it will be assuring from all the trouble that comes with death of a dear or close member.”

A funeral budget will encompass hospital bill, mortuary fees, burial permit, coffin, hearse, transport for family and food, clothes depending on the culture for the widows and the children. In rare occasions do you find that someone has not incurred some debt?

The scheme will draw its members from the church. Each member will contribute Ksh 200 per month which should be adequate to provide all the above items for the funeral depending on the numbers. There will be an additional Ksh 200 registration for administrative purposes.

The church membership is around 1600 but the scheme can work with 800 members. It will be perfect if it takes all the disciples on board. However, the kitty does not cater for non-disciples and the only option is when someone is married to a disciple. Children under 18 years old and under the care of their parents will be eligible up to 50% of their budget. For them to fully benefit they should be registered.  The 16 or 17 year old disciples should register for them to fully benefit. A child above 18 who is not a disciple will not benefit under the parents unless they are registered and are contributors.

The benevolence committee has 10 members and is chaired by Deacon David Kamau with two regional representatives a sister and a brother for the seven regions of Ephesians, Philippians, Galatians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Macedonia and Bereans.

Registration begins this month of May.

The writer can be reached at

CategoryKenya, Nairobi
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