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Dear Brothers and Sisters:

May this note find you faithful and experiencing peace beyond the understanding of this unprecedented hour in which live. May the joy of knowing Jesus prevail deeply in our hearts and minds as we navigate this tumultuous time.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Given the events unfolding in our world at this time, it seems that now is a time to fast and now is a time to pray. From the men and women representing each of the regional families of churches across the world, we would like to invite all disciples to participate in a day of fasting and prayer on March 26th.
In one 24-hour period, from midnight to midnight on March 26th, we are asking disciples, our family members, and all of our friends who are willing to participate in a worldwide day of fasting and prayer. Just imagine, in this time of challenge, for a whole day, the whole world will be bathed in the prayers of disciples of Jesus. And, given the wonderful unity and expanse of our global fellowship, that means someone will be praying every second of that 24-hour time.
It really is a time to fast and lift up prayers to God. It is time to pray for each other, for those experiencing sickness, for those experiencing loss, for those who feel alone, for those who are afraid, and for those who are seeking God. It is a time to pray that we can truly be a light and that the good news of Jesus can be made known to a world searching for hope.
On March 26th, let us prepare to pray in our personal time with God, let us connect online and pray with each other, and let us pull our children in and pray as families. Ultimately, let us prepare to fully put our hearts before our good and gracious Father and ask him to be our refuge and our strength in this time of trouble.
We look forward to this time of connection. We look forward to hearing how God works as we pray to him. May God give us all a fearless spirit at this time. May we experience the love of God and one another in the days ahead.
In Christ’s Love,
The Catalyst Team (on Behalf of the Regional Family Chairs)
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