On February 18th, the International Churches of Christ Nairobi sanctuary at Umoja Estate buzzed with excitement as the Church warmly welcomed visitors including Yannick Le Noan (Elder, Paris Church) and Chris & Rolayo Ogbonnaya (Evangelist West Africa English-speaking countries) Disciples representing the ICOC Nairobi blocs, including Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western blocs, gathered at 10:00…

On October 29, 2023, a significant milestone was celebrated in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania when we gathered to witness the appointment of Joachim and Evelyne Pallangyo into the service roles of Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader, respectively. The Pallangyos are the first Tanzanians to be appointed in this capacity in our ICOC family of Churches here…

In January 2023, the dedicated Leadership Team, supported by the Nairobi Church Administration and the Church Board of Directors, launched the East Africa School of Missions, known as DAKUSOM (DAn KUria School Of Missions). Working diligently behind the scenes, this visionary team is committed to ensuring the seamless functioning of financial affairs and ministry work…

In a triumphant return after the challenges posed by COVID, the much-anticipated 2022 campus retreat took place in August, marking the first gathering of campus members since the pandemic’s onset. The excitement among attendees was palpable as they eagerly reunited, ready to share the experiences they had accumulated during the extended period of separation. Mombasa…

Everyone is welcome to join us here on Sunday for a church service that will be viewed by at least 10,000 disciples! From across the continents of Africa and North America, we will hear from five short lessons from different ministers, translated from English to French! This might be the largest virtual gathering in ICOC…

Hello East Africa Singles! Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all! We pray and hope you are well! We are excited to announce our first ever Africa Singles Devotional! It’s a Devotional organized for Singles by Singles! It will be a time to praise our God with singing and dancing…

Dear Brothers and Sisters: May this note find you faithful and experiencing peace beyond the understanding of this unprecedented hour in which live. May the joy of knowing Jesus prevail deeply in our hearts and minds as we navigate this tumultuous time. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “There is a time for everything, and a season…

By Jeremiah Gamba Sunday 16, 2019 marked the beginning of a long spiritual journey for six church leaders when they were appointed to serve God in different capacities within International Churches of Christ East Africa (ICOCEA). Michael Burns from Two Cities Church in Minneapolis-St. Paul Church of Christ in the US made the announcement after…

By Austine Oduor The East Africa Churches of Christ held the 10th edition of the Ministry Training Academy (MTA) on 14-15th June 2019 in Nairobi Kenya. The theme was “Christ and Culture” where students learnt about Christ and Culture exploring the relation of the Christian to the world around them through race/tribe, politics, gender issues,…

By Austine Oduor It’s all systems go as the East Africa Churches of Christ prepare to host the 10th edition of the Ministry Training Academy (MTA) to be held in Nairobi Kenya on 14-15th June, 2019. This time round the students will learn about Christ and Culture exploring the relation of the Christian to the…