The Kigali International Church of Christ has set up cookery and computer class as a way of giving back to the community. Speaking to the Web team, the leader of the International Church of Christ Kigali Rwanda, bro. Johnson Namei stated, “The projects are part of the regulations of the Rwandese local authorities where the certificate of operation has to be renewed yearly”.
“Our goal is to help the needy people access these trainings freely, make things easy for us as a church when it comes to renewing our certificate and reach out to these people to study the bible. One of the requirements for renewal approval is the church has to show evidence that it has been involved in community empowerment.”
With humility Johnson noted how his wife Norah Namei – the Kigali Church Women’s Ministry Leader – shared with him the idea of the twin projects. It sounded fantastic and we discussed it as a church and everyone was excited about it. It was timely and it has started bearing fruit,” added Johnson. “The students learn how to make mandazi, chapati and samosas once they enroll. Some have started preparing mandazi, chapati and samosas in their homes and selling. This is encouraging to see them learn, apply and benefit from what they have learnt. The computer studies is also picking on well. The church is not awarding certificates for both projects because what we are offering is on a small scale. Lack of finances makes it difficult to set up serious projects at a professional level.”
When the church started the projects a year down the line, there was not even a computer. However, after Johnson did an inspiring and touchy presentation at the mother church in Nairobi Kenya early this year, the project got a boost of two computers with one still stuck in Nairobi as the church try to facilitate how the computer can be delivered to Kigali. However, with the meager resources the church is able to pay the teachers who have been doing a tremendous job.
“At the moment none of the students is studying the bible but they keep promising. We are positive that with time God will move their hearts and we will start bearing Kingdom fruits,” he asserted. The church is appealing for financial assistance to pay the teachers, buy materials for cookery on a weekly basis and get more computers more so second hand ones. There are thirteen students enrolled for cookery and eleven for computer studies.
The Kigali church humble beginning started in 1997 when bro. Rayola Osanya and his wife Georgean planted the church which has grown over time with its own share of challenges. Many leaders both singles and couples from the Nairobi church have led the Kigali church at different periods. The church currently boasts of nineteen disciples and is led by Johnson and Norah Namei from the Kampala church of Christ.
The Kigali church has a bible talk in Gitarama – an hour’s drive from Kigali. At times services are conducted at Gitarama for the disciples and their visitors who find it hard to come all the way to Kigali. “Let us remember Kigali Church of Christ in our prayers,” was Johnson’s final plea to the disciples of the International Churches of Christ.
The writer can be reached at info@ostinmoriz.com