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By Ken Allan

Pictures by David Mwenje and Festus Ndung’u

The morning of Sunday 2nd December 2018 was a hot one. The sun was up early, making it a bright day and so were the disciples of Kisumu Christian Church and their friends. Most men donning white shirts with bow ties while ladies looking phenomenal in glamorous dresses, lit up the Migosi Primary School main hall.

Service began at 10 am with great singing led by the church choir. Peter and Jane Galia then took to the podium to welcome the congregation after the opening prayer.

When the time for the communion came, Elias Akech prepared the hearts of the congregation for the Lord’s Supper, reading from Luke 23:33-34 focusing people on forgiveness, just like that of Jesus Christ.

Elias Akech

Evangelist Paul Nthei delivered a short sermon on, ‘Thanksgiving’. He read from Leviticus 7:11-15, Psalms 7:17, Psalms 95:1-7(a) and 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.

The major highlight of the sermon was that we should not wait for thanksgiving days to show gratitude but we should be grateful every day as God’s will is for everyone to be thankful in all circumstances.

After the sermon, a few people took to the stage sharing what God had done in their lives and in their ministries. Jeremy Milama and Carina Maridadi represented pre-teens, Jabali Ngovu and Shirley Soita represented the teens while Ken Allan and Rhoda Akumu talked on behalf of campus and singles ministries. The sharing ushered in the gift exchange session.

Mceeing this part, Ken Allan and Rhoda Akumu guided people on how to go about it. It was a systematic process with the newborns, with the help of their parents being gifted the first. All the other age groups from kingdom kids, with the help of their teachers, walked on the red carpet up the stage receiving their gifts and posing for photos. The teens then had the chance to exchange gifts amongst themselves before sisters did and finally brothers. Saving the best for the last, the organizing committee had a surprise gift for Evangelist Paul Nthei and his wife Betty (Women Ministry leader).

“Under the leadership of these two, we have seen Kisumu church grow tremendously, something to thank God for.” Lilian Jumba commented before she asked Jennifer Awiti to present the gift to the leaders.

Paul Nthei

Upon receiving her gift, Women Ministry Leader Betty Nthei said, “I would like to thank God for all of you. Indeed it has been a faith lifting and fulfilling day. I had lots of fun and I hope all of you did too. I love both the gifts I received today.”

Ev. Paul was not left behind “We have never had such a big Thanksgiving day and gift exchange in Kisumu. I thank God for having made this such a big one.” Also commending the organizing committee which consisted of nine members, the evangelist added, “Brothers and sisters, your organization was great and wonderful. Your hearts were seen. My wife and I really appreciate all of you “he shared.

The event whose purpose was to bring people together as they appreciate God and each other, including children ended at 2.30pm E.A.T after a closing prayer from Ev. Paul Nthei.

CategoryKenya, Kisumu
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