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The Kisumu Church of Christ held its first men’s Forum on the 9th June 2013. For sometime, the church leadership had been considering the idea of holding a men’s forum in Kisumu. Around April 2013, serious deliberations were made and preparation for the men’s forum started in earnest. Though the budget seemed humongous, it’s amazing how God works. He did more than we asked for or even imagined. The few brothers in the region gave sacrificially, some even beyond their ability if only to see the success of the event. Apart from giving financially, we all went out inviting men, fasting and praying for the day to be a success.

Steve Omondi; Reciting

Steve Omondi; Reciting

Come the day of the event, all the roads in the region led to Jumuia Resort in the heart of the city center. Brothers together with their visitors had travelled from as far as Busia, Kakamega and Kisii. The event started at around 1.00 p.m. with a word of prayer from Jervis Akona from Busia and Patrick Ogendo from the Kisumu church. It was then followed by powerful singing led by David Soita of Kisumu church.

David-Soita; Song leading

David-Soita; Song leading

Stephen Omondi, a brother in the Kisumu church then came in with a powerful presentation of “That’s my king” poem before the audience watched a video clip – “When I became a man” followed by a lunch break in which sumptuous lunch was served.The church leader, Paul Nthei who doubled as the Master of the Ceremony (MC) for the day then introduced the main speaker of the day Ev. Samson Monda who taught a powerful class titled “Show Yourself a Man” which also acted as the events theme.


Paul Nthei; The church leaderand MC of the day

Paul Nthei; The church leaderand MC of the day

He was able to help the congregation understand what kind of men they need to be in all spheres of life, articulating clearly what kind of men God created us to be. This presentation inspired not only the brothers but even the visitors most of whom, in their response cards expressed interest in studying the bible and wanting to know more about the church. A majority of the visitors requested for such forums to be held regularly. One of the visitors actually recorded the presentation to go and teach other men out there.


Charles Onyango sharing about his life

Charles Onyango sharing about his life

To crown it all, Charles Milama Onyango a brother in the Kisumu church shared powerfully about his life which was like an autobiography of sorts ranging from his childhood, growing up, education, employment, discipleship and even marriage life. He shared the many challenges he has been through and how God has seen him through it all. He also shared the lessons he learned and the adjustments he has had to make in his daily schedules despite his very demanding work schedule.

Ev. Sam Mokaya Main speaker

Ev. Sam Mokaya Main speaker


The Kisumu Church of Christ was officially launched early 2011 and has had a significant growth. It has a church in Kakamega and established bible talks in Luanda, Busia and Kisii. In attendance at the men’s forum were 26 disciples with 27 visitors. This was a great success considering it was the first men’s forum hosted in the region with Kisumu playing the host. To God be all the glory and honour.

The writer can be reached at

CategoryKenya, Kisumu
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