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By Christine Munene

With a section of the married’s tucked away in Kisumu for the married retreat, the singles got the opportunity to rise to the occasion and deliver a two prong sermon to convict the church at the Kitengela Sunday service.

Abraham Wanjala

Collins Onditi

Abraham Wanjala and Collins Omondi preached on ‘Faith in Finances’ based on Matthew 6:20 and 1st Samuel 1:11-28. The duo helped the church to learn how to have a mind that sees God beyond finances and not see finances as the end game. They also encouraged the church to pray for as long as it takes, even when the prayers do not seem to be answered within the intended time.

William Siwa encouraged the singles to go for retreats to build memories and lasting friendships. Christine Munene spoke briefly on the impact of fellowship with brothers and sisters across East Africa and retreats being an avenue to experience ‘a little heaven down here.’

Kitengela is part of the family of churches within Nairobi Christian Church. Started 20 years ago by a few disciples, Kitengela church has grown from a few handful disciples to a total of 86 disciples, 38 brothers and 48 sisters.

March 2018 alone, the church has been blessed with a total of 5 baptisms which included Edward and his wife Lynn Gitau. The church is organized into several ministries which are marrieds, singles, teens, and halogens (sat for the high school exam and are yet to join college).

The church covers regions spread over two counties; Machakos and Kajiado. The Athi River region is led by Caxton and Lynette Mukita. Syokimau and Mlolongo regions are led by William and Christine Siwa. Kitengela is led by Jeremiah and Benta Oginga. The Oginga’s are also the church leaders of the entire Kitengela Church.

The church meets at Maasai Discovery Guesthouse. The venue offers a wonderful child friendly place conducive for church meeting. The church is working towards acquiring a piece of land that will enable it put a building for worship and move out of the rented premise. Disciples are focused on raising funds to meet this objective. Even though there have been challenges, the focus has not been lost and through their faith the Kitengela church will acquire this piece of land and continue with the mission of evangelizing to the world in a much greater way.

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