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Psalm 147:2 He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. – NLT.

We all desire to have good health while in this precious gift of life God has given us, but it’s not always
the case as it is demonstrated in the life of Immaculate Edel, a sister in the Singles ministry within the
Nairobi Christian Church in the larger East Africa International Churches of Christ.

Immaculate Edel was baptized on 6th October 2017 in the Nairobi church and was recently diagnosed
with fibroids, adenomyosis and endometriosis.

Her life was of constant pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood shifts which prolonged for the last 10

A time came when it became too much for her to handle. The bills were too high and the final solution
according to her doctor’s advice was to do a surgery which she underwent and is now recuperating at

Hers is a story of endurance, courage, hope, and faith!!

You can find her story on:

Let us continue praying for her. We thank God for the miracle of enabling our sister to diagnose and
start the treatment process for this debilitating condition.

  1. May 18, 2019

    She is wine strong woman. Praying for her full recovery 🙏🏾😘

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