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By Enock Kamau

Simon Wachira is a 2nd-year pharmacy student at Kabarak University in Nakuru.  Around 2018, he had visited his Uncle Johnson Maina in Utawala – Nairobi, before joining the university. There he interacted with disciples and started to study the Bible. However, upon joining the university he lost touch with the disciples. Simon noted that God was working behind the scenes. “The studies I had done with the disciples inspired me to join the Christian Union where I became the chairman. I still desired to finish the studies never knowing that Covid 19 was to be a blessing in disguise.”

When universities were closed indefinitely due to Covid 19, Simon went back to the village at Kagio in Embu. He found his cousin Zack and Uncle Johnson at home. Simon was willing to continue studying the Bible and his cousin Zack and Enock both disciples decided to continue studying the Bible with him remotely via zoom, Whatsapp, and conference calls. On Sunday, 26th April 2020 at 4:30 pm, amid the social distancing guidelines, Simon made the good confession that Christ is the Lord of his life.

CategoryEmbu, Kenya
  1. May 3, 2020

    This is a very inspiring story

  2. May 3, 2020

    WOW in whatever situation God always works for the good of those who love him! So inspiring that God used a time like to connect Simon back on studying bible and deciding to commit his life to Christ

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