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By Carren Adhiambo

Once again the Arboretum Park hosted the singles popularly known as the shining stars for the second session of their service and hangout held on the 13th of September. The service started with praise and worship session led by the singles choir. After prayers, the singles broke into groups of three’s and four’s to go confess and pray for each other; a practice dear to most.

Then Michael Anyangu from Galatians and Joyce Mihura from Philippians followed with the giving and Holy Communion class based on John 3:16, Luke 6:38 and Hebrew 5:8. The singles learned that God gave His only Son not because of our righteous deeds or that we loved Him first but because of His love for us. What motivates us to give? Is it our emotions? God is the owner of everything, we are but just stewards. He doesn’t expect us to give what we do not have. In the same way God gave His best, His only Son; we should be inspired to give our best and not remnants. Have we been stealing from God by failing to give our tithe and time to God’s service? Our brother Michael challenged the congregation to examine their lives and see whether they are ‘thieves?’ On the same breath and convictions, he further affirmed that no one is exempted from giving no matter our circumstances.  Giving must be accompanied by love. God’s love should motivate us to give.

Therefore giving is an indication of love and obedience; worship is not complete without giving. The Holy Communion message was from Ephesians 2:1-10. We learned that even in our wretched state God still loves us. Have you ever wondered what God saw in you that he sent His Son to die for you? Understanding the pain that God and Jesus went through for us will compel us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind.

The Main sermon was given by William and Vicky Auki entitled, “To Honour Christ as Lord,” in which they shared much about their lives. In 1Peter 3:13, they helped us see that God intends us to honour Jesus in our singlehood for by doing this, we will succeed. What stops us from honouring Christ as the Lord of our life? The three stages of life that affect us are:

  1. a)      The Past (Genesis16:7)

The angel of the Lord appeared to Haggar and asked her where she has come from, not because God was not aware but because He wanted her to think deeply about her past. This opened our spiritual eyes that we ought to understand where we have come from. The easiest thing we do when faced with challenges is to look for an exit. We tend to run from our past too. Thus, we were posed with the challenge to know, accept and address our past for it determines our character. God always sends His angels to help us where we are. As singles our past should not stop us from being who God intends us to be.

  1. b)     The Present (1kings 19:2-13)

What are you doing here? This was a question from God to Elijah, who was fleeing from Jezebel’s wrath. We take off when we do not get what we ask/want from God. In most cases, like Elijah, we run and hide from what seems to threaten our lives in an effort to protect ourselves. The shining stars were urged to seek God’s will and not to run away from our current situation no matter how fierce it seem to be. Are we honouring God right now or is our lifestyle grieving the Spirit in us? God should be Supreme at all cost, struggles will come but we need to seek His will.

  1. c)      The Future (Matthew 12:33, Colossians 3:12-17)

A good tree produces good fruits. We were called higher to allow Jesus to guide us for we shall give an account of everything we say and do. Do not give in to your past, other peoples’ choices or instincts. Produce good fruit by filling yourself with the God’s word.

The Auki’s had prepared the sermon from the questions that the singles had raised in the previous session a week before and the souls were nourished that we did not notice the passage of time. After the sermon the air was filled with the aroma coming from sweetly cooked food comprising of chapatis, meat stew, among others.

Indeed it was time for lunch and fellowship and we gathered in our different ministries within our family groups to savour this delicious moment of feasting and fellowship as we reflected on the message.The Lead Evangelist John Maleya and the Womens’ Ministry Leader Jane Maleya had joined during the sermon and we had lunch together with the other leaders present.
The afternoon session of Questions and Answers started in earnest with John and Jane Maleya together with Victoria and William Auki tirelessly addressing questions from the singles. This was a great moment of learning with each of them sharing their personal lives especially their dating. During this session it was evident that there is a need for the church to prepare classes on grooming, investment and financial management. This session was also graced by Charles and Josephine Omollo who urged the shining stars to examine their walk with God.

Jackline Oremo, a shining star said that the giving classes made her realize the need to change her giving. Betty Njebiu stated too that change is as good as rest.’ She had gotten bored with routine. The nature in Arboretum was awesome. She was so happy to have seen the singles from other ministries and she left Arboretum refreshed and knowing that singles are still fighting to remain in God’s Kingdom which she considers as priceless. She concludes that the classes and personal sharing from our leaders was very inspiring indeed.


Photos courtesy of Rhodenhizer K. Simotwo (Rhodes)

CategoryKenya, Nairobi, Singles
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