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Upcoming Events

Marrieds' Workshop 2014

ornament1The East African Married’s Retreat will be held on the 18-20 October 2014  at Jumuia Resort  in Limuru. We are looking forward to having disciples from  Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Mombasa, ,Addis Ababa and Kampala

Youth Camp 2014

ornament1The International Youth Camp 2014 will be held in Kenya from the 29th December 2015 at the Greensteds School International…

Ministry Training Academy (MTA)

ornament1The second East Africa Ministry Training Academy was held on the 26 -27th July 2013 at the church building in Umoja Nairobi. Michael Burns a teacher with the St Pauls Church of Christ Minneapolis was the facilitator.

25th Anniversary

ornament1The International Church of Christ East Africa (ICOCEA) will be celebrating the 25th anniversary on 3rd May 2015 at the Kasarani Basketball Gymnasium…

Latest News?

By Richard Arina Talking on the phone yesterday with a dear brother and friend made me realize the power of not just sharing but writing down our stories. The call made me remember a brother who had responded to one of my recent journal entries “The Blessings of Adversity” in a way that made me…

By Timothy Machuka It was a sad moment for the Malaba Church of Christ and the entire North Rift Churches in Kenya as they gathered in the little town of Ukwala in Ugenya Constituency, Siaya County on the 21st of September to bade farewell to a brother who had dedicated his life to Christ, and…

I was in my third year of college when my blood sister invited me to attend a church service in nairobi. I accepted and attended where the praise and worship sermon were great. After the service several brothers and sisters approached me giving me hugs and thanking me for attending the service. They wanted to…

In 2008, my elder sister Isabella, who was not a disciple, had been invited for a women’s day event but couldn’t make it. She so hated to disappoint the ladies who had shown her so much love that she begged me to attend on her behalf. I attended, loved it and here I am. Was…

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