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Marrieds' Workshop 2014

ornament1The East African Married’s Retreat will be held on the 18-20 October 2014  at Jumuia Resort  in Limuru. We are looking forward to having disciples from  Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Mombasa, ,Addis Ababa and Kampala

Youth Camp 2014

ornament1The International Youth Camp 2014 will be held in Kenya from the 29th December 2015 at the Greensteds School International…

Ministry Training Academy (MTA)

ornament1The second East Africa Ministry Training Academy was held on the 26 -27th July 2013 at the church building in Umoja Nairobi. Michael Burns a teacher with the St Pauls Church of Christ Minneapolis was the facilitator.

25th Anniversary

ornament1The International Church of Christ East Africa (ICOCEA) will be celebrating the 25th anniversary on 3rd May 2015 at the Kasarani Basketball Gymnasium…

Latest News?

A bright and sunny day ushered in the Philippians ministry women’s day 2014, which was held on 11th October 2014 at J.J McCarthy Center. As always, women’s day is special as it provides an opportunity to refresh, reflect and revive. The venue was elaboratively decorated for the guests and the 150 women from the church…

The church website was launched by the media team on 5th October Sunday Service. The work began around a year back and the team was pleased to finally have it completed. The features for the new website include: Links to affiliations (HOPE worlwide Kenya, MTA, Disciples Today, ICOC HOTNEWS) Media functionalities ( Blog – Commenting…

For the second time in a row, Gilliane Otieno, Raisa Wanjiku and Maxrore Wambua qualified to represent Kenya in the World Youth Chess Championships held in Durban South Africa from September 20-29, 2014. This year’s event was held at the magnificent International Convention Centre (ICC) in Durban. It was a significant competition in the sense that…

The East African Married’s Retreat will be held on the 18-20 October 2014  at Jumuia Resort  in Limuru. The Charges are Kes 18,000.00 per couple for resident participants and Kes 11,200 for those commuting back and forth . 70% deposit is required by the end of September 2014. The theme for the retreat will be…

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