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Acts 13:21-22

God is always looking for people who will do his will… and not just part of it, but all of it. To be one of those people, as David was, we must be a people after God’s own heart. To love the LORD with all of our hearts, mind, soul and strength is what it will take.

David was found to be a man after God’s own heart. If we do not develop God’s heart we will find it difficult to do God’s will. Make it your personal responsibility to find out what God’s will is for your life. Get involved in constant bible studies with others apart from your own personal devotionals. These will help you have a good perspective on where your relationship with God is.

1 Samuel 13

Saul was removed from his leadership position because he disobeyed God and did not keep his commandments. Many are the times that we end up disobeying God not because we cannot obey his word, but rather because we have given in to the desires of this world. Either God’s will shall be done in your life, or it will be your own will that shall prevail. Just as Saul had a choice of how to respond, so do you. Whether your response is godly or not will depend on the state of your heart.

  • 1 Samuel 13:1-2; Saul was proud in his heart and as such he did not seek God’s help when going out to battle. When we do not pray and just go about our business, our hearts are no different.
  • 1 Samuel 13:3-5; Saul was so full of himself that when Jonathan attacked the Philistines garrison he took the credit, sounded the trumpet, and called back the very same people he had sent away (verse 2). When we are not humble in our position and feel insecure about ourselves, we end up being envious and jealous of others and their achievements.
  • 1 Samuel 13:6-9; When the real time of testing came Saul gave in to distress, fear and ended up trembling with everyone else. His trust in God was stretched to the limit as he had to wait for seven days for Samuel.
  • 1 Samuel 13:10-12; Just after giving in to his fear, God comes through! Do not give in to the compulsion to do wrong; this is opposite to God’s will. Persevere for he will never leave you nor forsake you.
  • 1 Samuel 13:13-14; Saul acted foolishly. When we do so we forfeit the blessings that could be ours. His kingdom could have been established forever! It all blew up in smoke because of his heart.

What is the state of your heart today? If it were to be examined, would you be found to be a man or woman after God’s own heart? If not how can you get this heart so as to constantly do God’s will?

1 John 4:7-8/:14-18

We get this heart by growing in our love since God’s heart can be clearly defined as LOVE. Love comes from God and so the closer and more connected to God we are, the more loving we will be.

We will experience the POWER of God’s love. This will DRIVE OUT Fear from our lives. We will then be able to DO ALL THE WILL OF GOD!

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