In 2008, my elder sister Isabella, who was not a disciple, had been invited for a women’s day event but couldn’t make it. She so hated to disappoint the ladies who had shown her so much love that she begged me to attend on her behalf. I attended, loved it and here I am. Was…

One morning back in 2009, very early in the morning, 6am I go to work emotionally down from what was going on in my life, more so between me and my girlfriend, angry and didn’t feel like working.I was a restaurant cashier, getting to work the waiter on duty was late. I hardly had set…

I was reach out by Alex Ebwonu who then was working with me in the same company. That was in 2007. He kept on sharing his faith with me but I kept giving all kinds of excuses including having no transport. I remember one Saturday he gave me money for transport but still I did…

I was reached out by this amazing lady Carrie Bell in September of 2007. I had just moved to Dallas and started a new job. Didn’t have any friends, but was extremely anti-social. So on my lunch break I would find a corner at the lunch room and eat will reading a novel. Every single…

By Enock Kamau It was another great opportunity for the 29 Hope worldwide Volunteer Corps (HVC) 2019 drawn from Australia, Europe and America to serve in Embu, Kenya from 28th July to 10th August. According to Nadine Templer, the HWW Director of Global Volunteer programs, the goal of a service project is sustainability and to…