By Austine Oduor The East Africa Churches of Christ held the 10th edition of the Ministry Training Academy (MTA) on 14-15th June 2019 in Nairobi Kenya. The theme was “Christ and Culture” where students learnt about Christ and Culture exploring the relation of the Christian to the world around them through race/tribe, politics, gender issues,…

By Austine Oduor It’s all systems go as the East Africa Churches of Christ prepare to host the 10th edition of the Ministry Training Academy (MTA) to be held in Nairobi Kenya on 14-15th June, 2019. This time round the students will learn about Christ and Culture exploring the relation of the Christian to the…

By Media team Psalm 147:2 He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. – NLT. We all desire to have good health while in this precious gift of life God has given us, but it’s not always the case as it is demonstrated in the life of Immaculate Edel, a sister in the Singles ministry…
The Auki's serve as the Lead Evangelist in Eastern Africa.
The Mondas lead the Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church
The Kimanzi's co-lead Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Monda's. The Odwallos lead the Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Mbuva's co-lead Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Odwallo's. The Musonyes lead the Nothern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Otieno's co-lead Northern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Musonyes.
Evangelist William Auki and Women's Ministry leader Victoria Auki
Evangelist Samson Monda and Women's Ministry leader Judy Monda
Mr and Mrs Wilfred and Janet Kimanzi
Evangelist Mike Odwallo and Women's Ministry leader Liz Odwallo
Evangelist Sammy Mbuva & Women's Ministry leader Eunice Mbuva
Evangelist Raymond Musonye & Women's Ministry leader Lily Musonye
Mr. and Mrs. Amos and Gakii Otieno
Eastern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820141
Northern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820162
Southern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820157
Western Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820136