The career guidance team has set an ambitious plan to address career needs of the Nairobi Christian church.
Speaking to the Web team, an elated Deacon Francis Kamau noted, “This is a great beginning. However, for this to become a success, we need people to register, “he urged. The structures include Standard 1-8, Forms 1-4, Out of School/dropouts, College/University and Counseling. “Each of these departments will have a working team and a lead person.”
In 2nd Kings 4, we have the story of the woman who was a widow and his sons were about to be taken away to become slaves because she could not service her debts. However, she pleaded with Elijah who instructed her on what to do. She obeyed and God came to her rescue delivering her sons from becoming slaves. She made sure that her children did not fall to the hopelessness of the world. Her intervention saved her two sons. It is our role today as parents to help our children get good jobs in the careers of their choices. As a church, we need to work together to ensure that our youth are given the right skills and as a result they will become responsible members of the society.
In April and August holidays the team successfully concluded a Personality profiling online test exercise where over 72 forms 1-IV students participated as well as those in Standard 7-8. It was incredible as parents willingly offered their laptops to be used by the children to access the online tool in an exercise that was astoundingly successful. The profiling test was also coupled with Counseling Services for those students as well as providing Career advice to Parents. The parents role to the academic welfare of their children cannot be taken for granted especially those with candidates.
Albert Nashon, a career team member state, “teenagers are growing in a World full of challenges leading to desperation and mediocrity. The rate at which young people are getting exposed to worldliness happenings outside their homes is rapid. These people seldom get adequate time to prepare for their future career choices and endeavors. This career team initiative is a big plus for the teens, parents and the church as a whole and we need to fully embrace and support it.”
A total of 60% of the children within the church attended the first phase which was the online profile test. The children will now move to the next stage of putting efforts towards achieving their career choices. This is where the parent(s) have to come in to ensure that they are concerned about their children’s career choices.
Deacon Francis Kamau further reveals that the career team is in the process of setting up an executive council of individuals within the kingdom who are highly respected in the society who can help with providing the resources required. The members will be appointed with the approval of the lead Evangelists. Plans are underway to establish a career fund to support career activities and some career needs of some specific cases.
For the out of school from Standard 8 to form IV, the career team is establishing a database according to their needs then advice them accordingly and encourage those who can go back to school to do so. For the colleges and campus, the career team has obtained a list of all the campus students and will soon be rolling out an extensive mentorship program. For the professionals, there is a need to rebrand so as to become competitive. They can as well be taught business related skills and get opportunities to attend business seminars.
The Personality Trait and Testing Test online was a great success. Joy Mandila stated that she has always wanted to be a news anchor, however her personality DISC results revealed otherwise pointing her out as an introvert of the Steady or Melancholic type. Silent and very relaxed, she is left wondering what her fate will be. However, she is optimistic that she will still be able to land a great career choice through the guidance of the career team.
Emmanuel Arvin is pretty excited that he is on the right path and has just been bolstered by the revelation – he can now focus. As an Influence or Phlegmatic personality also denoted as a blue, he just needs to fix his social skills and all others fit in.
The career team consists of Jeremiah and Benta Oginga, Francis and Margaret Kamau, Albert and Anne Odhoji, Samuel Kimani, Michael Wambwere, Mbugua Kinyanjui, George Khisa, Newton Nuthu , Enock Kamau, Ann Mulandi, Boniface Masila, Ayubu Njeru, Austine Oduor, George Ouko, Steve Onyaga among others.
The writer can be reached at info@ostinmoriz.com