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On the Saturday of December 17th, from 9a.m to 1p.m, a combination of some wild Open Spaces and an artful restaurant in the National Museum of Kenya played host to 20 Bible Talk leaders of the Campus Ministry for few intense hours of RETREATing.

The Leaders used the space as a Special “Quiet” and Learning Time to Re-energize, Re-evaluate, Re-focus and Set Vital Goals for the ministry for the year 2012.

The retreat hosted some awesome guest speakers and leaders; John Maleya, the Lead Evangelist and Edwine and Nelly Omaya, who lead the church in Addis, Ethiopia.

Our OWN campus leaders, the Musonyes, shared the morning session class, which was built around the Church’s 2012 Theme of “BE CAREFUL HOW YOU BUILD”. The session was closed out with some words of wisdom from the Omayas.

The afternoon session was graced by John Maleya, who did an interactive class as he asked the leaders what they would like to hear ‘as campus leaders’ so as to enhance their effective leadership and also outline the challenges they encounter as they lead. Most of the issues were discussed and ‘sorted’ through scriptures.

Luke 9:23 “And He said to all, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” was the highlight scripture as it brought the reality of how a leader who wants to be like Christ should be ready to take the cup of suffering, loneliness, fatigue and rejection. But all these being emotional struggles, all can be tackled by a prayer, which is clear in Philippians 4:6.

Inclusive of the lessons, we shortlisted our goals for year 2012, as follow:

  1. Attain Spiritual and Numerical Growth (campus membership of 200  from the current 126 disciples by end of next year), Matthew 19:26
  2. Bear fruit that will last,  John 15:16
  3. Living Productive lives,  1st Thessalonians 3:6-10

Not only was spiritual food available to the leaders, but also a cluster of breakfast goodies and lunchtime bites. But all these were at a cost which not all of us were able to meet, and just in the nick of time when all of us were calculating and recalculating the balances to make sure we all get to bite something, God took care of us when one of the leaders offered to buy breakfast for all the 15 Bible talk leaders present! That was truly a blessing and a lesson that God is a God who provides. It is HIS to provide. God is the God who is. (Exodus 3)

Back to the spiritual lessons of being a ’young’ leader in campus…

“A young upcoming leader, just like Timothy, needs to be an imitator. Imitation springs out from Humility. Timothy was a very humble person as he imitated Paul in his leadership.” John Maleya

“Leadership is about being Tough Skinned yet Soft Hearted.” John Maleya

“Campus is the best place to Make or Break.” Edwine Omaya

“Obeying Instructions, however hard it may seem at the moment, will in future bring happiness.” NellyOmaya

“You can’t have a wall that is built using several materials, the bottom part being cement, and then mud, followed by bricks-that wall won’t be presentable and can’t stand the elements of weather. The same with Leadership; It’s all about consistency.” Lily Musonye

“In all your leadership decisions, don’t think for the moment but for the future. Build a good foundation”Lily Musonye

“Leadership starts by building self, first. Paying attention to self…”But each one should be careful how he builds…” (1st Corinthians 3:10-15)” Raymond Musonye

“Have a genuine interest in the lives of the people you are leading” Raymond Musonye

Those were just but a few of the GREAT remarks made by these GREAT men and women of God.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right”. (2ndTim 3:16-17 NLT)

In view of 2nd Tim 3:16-17 and the lessons learnt at the retreat, it is clear that Inspired Scriptures create inspired Leaders. Inspired Leaders create inspired Ministries. Inspired Ministries create an inspired Church of God. Amen!

Written by Kelvin Wairia

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