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Valentine’s Sunday-2012- A Shining star’s vantage point….

By Valentine Lamar, Austine Oduor & Janet Nzisa

Saint Valentine’s Day arrived early on Sunday February 12 for the over 500 Singles of the Nairobi Christian Church who congregated at the serene grounds of the renovated Nairobi National Museum.

The group consisting of the Singles and Campus took it a notch higher in the ever quiet grounds with a service that was preceded with scintillating singing and dancing attracting scores of visitors who had come to the museum, and setting the tempo for the day.

dsc00194The singles were blessed to have both John and Jane Kilaha – the lead evangelists in their midst.John helped the singles to understand that the church leadership is there to give spiritual guidance which is for our own good. We should submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. He urged the disciples to be instruments of noble purposes by cleansing themselves from things which are not right before the eyes of God and pursue things which pleases and glorifies His name like Timothy in the book of Acts.

There was group work and presentations, taught separately to the sisters by Jane Maleya, and concluding a brothers-only special Q&A
session  John.

Jane drove the point home with a short sermonette full of eternal implications to the Shinning stars and the Berean sisters who form the Singles Ministry in the Church. She taught the sisters to be clear-minded about their
individual goals and values for the future. She encouraged them to
entrust these virtues to the Almighty, “who searches and knows our
hearts; tests us and know our anxious thoughts…” (Psalm 139:23, 24),
asserting, “God alone can lead us on the right path.”dsc00285

She spoke about the merit of knowing strengths and weaknesses,
stressed on the importance of values, priority of goals and benefit of
advice, and challenged her listeners to go out of their way to develop
envisioned values and realize desired goals – spiritual and otherwise
– in spite of the pain and drain of challenges.

The sisters had been divided into groups each with a group leader and assigned to write down goals and values each of them have in their respective lives. The group leaders Christine Munene, Fridah Mcharo, Beryl Achieng, Marion Mithamo and the ever funny Valentine Lamar who kept the sisters laughing with her well polished anecdotes did not disappoint. Presenting their list of values and goals it became clear that everyone valued their relationship with God and each other. Jane helped the sisters understand from the scriptures that unless their values and goals are grounded in the word of God then they are all but in vain.dsc04268

She used some exhortations to remind the sisters that the goal is heaven and everything that we do or plan should be eternity focused. “If you want to get married then you need to know what kind of character you want in the brother who will help you make it to heaven.”. She adds, “You have got to have a clear direction for achieving your goals “ and  in concluding, “Your love for God should be so deep that as you pursue my goals you are solely focused on what God wants for you ”.

Earlier, Onesmus Kyalo and his wife, Mercy took the brothers and
sisters a little over 20 years down memory lane, sharing about their
exemplary lives as zealous, hard working, disciplined and faithful
single disciples.

In his powerful story, which reads like a novel sequel ‘From grass to grace”, Onesmus a top executive with the national carrier, Kenya Airways,
revealed to the surprise of many, how as a single disciple, he lived in
a one-roomed shack and pulled a cart to eke out a living. He shared his life story with a lot of humility as her wife Mercy Kyalo stood by his side to the eager and attentive colorfully gathering who remained stunned and tongue tied by the revelations.

He told disciples that the time we have is very short. “As a single person you should make use of your singlehood which is a blessing, to glorify God. You never know what plans He has for you.” He exhorted the audience to utilize their time and
energy to evangelize the world because “your labour in the Lord is not
in vain.”  He added, “The future of the church depends on the singles for is it from this group that we would generate a new crop of leaders, great fathers and mothers. “

He cautioned singles to refrain from gossip, class issue and unhealthy fellowships which can easily allow the devil into our lives and easily wreck our faith and the church.

God wants us to celebrate our relationship in a pure and holy way. We should learn to seek advice all the time as it enables us to grow in all areas as God intended. If we are faithful to him then he will definitely be faithful to us. He will provide us with spiritual and material nourishment.

Mercy on her part encouraged the singles to put their trust in God to give them the right person who will help them and vice versa to make it to heaven. She emphasized that heaven should be the focus and as singles, we need to let go and set out hearts to God so that His will is made clear in our lives. Onesmus concluded by urging the singles to plan their lives, put it before God and He will see us through. “Don’t cut corners. Don’t let your career take the place of God. Don’t be compromised with money!”

February 14 or Saint Valentine’s Day, often simply Valentine’s Day, is observed in many countries around the world, although it’s a non-holiday and lovers use this occasion to present
various gifts to their loved ones. So understandably this day brings with it the pressure of high
expectations for those in marital or steady relationships.  While it provides an opportunity to rekindle vows or reaffirm obligations and commitment, it’s easy to question what’s in it for the singles at heart and in what way should they celebrate it in order to benefit spiritually?

The food-filled fellowship ended on a high note when two couples, Lucas and Kezia, and Tabitha Katindi and Joseph Oyare entered into steady relationships. Further, brothers and sisters took the opportunity to plan for fellowships and many derived lessons from the well-spent day. Joyce Mihura said, “The Kyalos’ story challenged me to give my best
to God’s work, something I’ve not excelled at.” Another sister was goaded on to grow spiritually and become a better mother for her daughter. Responding from the brothers’ session, Silas learned that the church practice of not directly approaching a sister for a steady relationship is not a rule per se but a measure of protecting one

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