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By The Media team

Disciples from the nine counties of Western, Lake Region and North Rift Kenya congregated in the city of champions, Eldoret, for the much-anticipated reunion service on 3rd March 2019.

The weekend worship service was themed, “The Debt of Love” (based on Romans 13:8) and inspired by the fact that the Eldoret Christian Church has had a hand in planting the churches in all the surrounding regions with most of the leaders, brothers, and sisters from the adjoining churches being original members of the Eldoret church. The churches represented were Kisumu, Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Malaba, Kisii, Migori, and the Newly planted Luanda Church

The reunion was perfectly timed as it resonated with the East Africa Churches of Christ 2019 theme, “Going Back to Basics,” allowing the brothers and sisters to refocus on loving God and loving one another.

Eve of Reunion

Song leaders drawn from churches in the three regions had an all-night session singing and worshiping God in preparation for Sunday. The next day, there was a buzz of joyful activities as the fellowship began on Saturday 2nd of March at 2pm in the church grounds.

The jubilation of reuniting was strong enough to enable us to defy both the hot sun for afternoon games and the biting cold at night.  The joy ignited us to have so much fun and Merry with each other as the hosts picked their guests for the evening fellowship.

The Big Day

Finally, Sunday was here and the assembly streamed in early with congregants dressed in their best attires and so jolly; you could see the face of God in every face. The large hall was filled to capacity as the praise and worship team led the congregation in jubilant songs and dances in praise of God. Pascal Mabele and his wife Christine welcomed the disciples from different counties.

Evangelist Elias Ogonda shared the message of the cross from Philippians 3:12-17, challenging us to stay focused, and press on towards heaven upholding our commitment to Christ with sincere hearts. He also had good news from the Kisii Church and its environs regarding how God has been opening up Bible talks and adding to their numbers.

Different leaders across the region then shared good news and prayer requests from their churches. James Opwondi shared about the planting of the Luanda church in 2018, Juda Imali shared about Kakamega, Elias Akech-South Nyanza churches, Stephen Gateru-Bungoma, William Odhiambo-Malaba and Washington Owiti concluding with Eldoret church.

It was so encouraging to get to know the great things God is doing in our different churches even to the remotest of villages in these regions. The ambition to preach Christ where he has never been preached was evident.

The word from the Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader

Evangelist Paul Nthei and his wife Betty, the Women’s Ministry leader

Evangelist Paul Nthei and his wife Betty, the Women’s Ministry leader took to the podium to encourage the brethren. Paul’s message in line with the theme, “The Debt of Love”, encouraged the congregation to always love God first then each other as that’s the debt allowed for every disciple, Romans 13:8 and Revelation 2:1-7. The congregation was challenged to love God wholeheartedly as we did at first when we were baptized. Betty Nthei candidly encouraged the sisters to wholly rely on God, because He is always faithful, Jeremiah 17:7-8.

The day ended with the family of believers and visitors in attendance, which was about 400 being treated to a sumptuous finger leaking meal after special prayers.


The History of Eldoret Church

The church was planted in 1992 by a team of six students co-led by Rayola Osanya then at the University of Nairobi and Thomas Mundia, who was at Moi University. Others from Moi University on the team were Tom Oyugi, Janet Waweru, and Pamela Igara.  Lyons Nyagah was at the Eldoret Medical Training College.

The church would meet together in Eldoret town on Sundays for service and its growth has been phenomenal now boasting of a membership of 82 disciples, 32 brothers, and 50 sisters.  With an average monthly attendance of 170 people, the church still continues to evangelize in Eldoret town under the leadership of Edwin and Evelyn Mahiga. The services are conducted at the church sanctuary every Sunday at 10:00 am and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm located around West Market opposite St. Patrick primary school, along West-Mwanzo road. The sanctuary was launched in June 2014.


  “Eldoret brothers and sisters we are so grateful for your hospitality, and your love. It was a great Reunion indeed as we connected and reconnected over the weekend. We give glory to God in Christ. Once more thank you all,” is what the visiting disciples had to say.

“We praise God for your hearts of love and willingness to spend the weekend in Eldoret. May God give us more of such opportunities again,” stated Pascal Mabele from the Eldoret Church.

“It was very refreshing and we appreciate the sacrifice put in to leave the comfort of your homes and travel to Eldoret for the fabulous fellowship. We praise God for making the dream come true.” Edwin Mahiga.

“All I can say to the Lake region and Western churches is thank you and glory to God. It was an overwhelming show of love. Your coming lifted us. To all Eldoret church family, it was so great to see each and everyone giving their hearts, so joyfully. It is great to be a part of the body of Christ. God bless you.” Christine Mabele.

Alex Olilo from Kisumu Church said, “It was really great and we thank God for everything. May He Continue to guide us and above all make us one. The night fellowship was just great; I know those who were there gained a lot. I was really encouraged.”


  1. March 25, 2019

    It is encouraging to see what God is doing in Eldoret and the surrounding regions

  2. December 29, 2019


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