By Albert Simiyu
The Nairobi Christian Church Eastern block held its service on the 11th March 2018 at the church venue in Umoja. Evangelist Mike Odwallo delivered the main sermon, ‘The Principal of Small Groups,’ (Click here to listen to sermon) drawn from Acts 1:47 urging the congregation to be strategically organized to meet each other’s needs.
Drawing Biblical examples, he pointed out Luke 9:10-14 where Jesus asked his disciples to organize the group in small groups of about 50 for effective distribution and in Acts 2:42-46, in which the 3000 baptized disciples divided themselves in smaller groups in their homes – house churches.
It is upon this principle that the Nairobi fellowship has been broken down into blocks, regions, sectors, subsectors, Bible talks and discipling partnership.
The church already has a setup of being organized in small groups as we have functional bible talks in place.
He challenged the congregation to ensure they are covered by these groups to enable purposeful, intentional and effective fellowship. There are lots of benefits for instance; able to identify and meet needs as well as intimately share what we are going through.

Teacher Geoffrey Moracha
The Communion message was shared by teacher Geoffrey Moracha who was baptized on 31st December 2017 (the 70 days old disciple is the first teacher in our Church Primary School – Nairobi Christian Academy, to be a disciple). He inspired the Church to make Jesus the first priority in their lives, and that we should appreciate the cross by living lives worthy of his death on the cross. He also challenged the congregation to give back to God what is due him, sharing from his personal life how he used to rob God’s money by not giving his tithe. One day he was arrested and paid a fine of Ksh 100 000. When he went back home and did the calculation, he noticed that the fine was almost the same amount he had robbed God for the last 2 years he was not giving his tithe. “He who is wise should learn from me,” he concluded in reference to Jesus Christ.

Tony Kinyua Chomba
Master Tony Kinyua Chomba, 9 year old talented son of Gladys Muthoni Chomba studying at Tender care Academy played Holy is thy name to the congregation.

Christine Opilo Panyako
The service concluded with the baptism of Christine Opilo Panyako by her husband Audrin Panyako.

The Panyako’s accompanied by fellow disciples