The reality that death is inevitable and the dread that comes with the thought of the funeral expenses is always chilly, because of the traditional culture where death in itself is a ceremony and where the dead are not buried immediately. This burden is mainly shouldered by the deceased’s family and if it happens that…

As the disciples around the world prepare for the World Discipleship Summit in the summer of 2012 in San Antonio Texas, the worship team of Nairobi Christian Church had a priviledge to be part of the team involved in coming up with the theme song and a special video for the conference of disciples from our churches…

The Nairobi Christian Church had a great week hosting Dave and Beth Procta who oversee the youth and Family Ministry in the International Churches of Christ. At the Sunday Worship service at Nairobi’s Umoja Sanctuary on 29th April 2012, Dave gave a simple, succinct message full of anecdotes that left the congregation on the edges…
Our God is an awesome God! Our brother Charles Omollo arrived back in Kenya yesterday morning after undergoing a very successful brain surgery in India.We would like to thank all the disciples allover the world for their prayers and financial support, please lets continue praying for his complete recovery. We’ll keep updating you on his…
As the curtain fell on 2011, the teen’s ministry had a lot to give thanks for to the Almighty God who has under the leadership of Amos and Kiki done tremendous things. Together with the tireless efforts of the teen mentors who have worked behind the scenes to ensure the success and growth of the…
“Help Lord, for the godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men.” Psalm 12:1 It was a unique Friday night as brothers from the Nairobi Christian Church deserted their homes to brave the chilly weather not for the worldly reasons associated with Friday, but to congregate at the Umoja sanctuary and explore…

“Shine like stars in the universe.” Philippians 2:15 December 7, 2011 was a great day for two disciples in the Nairobi Christian Church after they were honored during the Kenya Footballer of the Year awards gala, an annual ceremony that recognizes the best performers in Kenyan soccer. Gilbert Wandera was voted the best print journalist while…

Kenya is a Nation so blessed with sights–natural and man-made–that you could ask all 40 million citizens for their favorites and expect 40 million different answers.
Mathew 21:28-31 28 “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ 29 “‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. 30 “Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing….

Written by A. Valentine Lamar and Marion Mithamo The Nairobi Christian church held its 15th edition of the annual Women’s Day on Sunday October 30. For the first time it was held at the new church sanctuary with the theme, “Completely Loved!”