By Carren Adhiambo Once again the Arboretum Park hosted the singles popularly known as the shining stars for the second session of their service and hangout held on the 13th of September. The service started with praise and worship session led by the singles choir. After prayers, the singles broke into groups of three’s and four’s…

By Carren Adhiambo Single brothers & sisters started trickling into the Arboretum grounds as early as 8.30am looking elegant and with expectancy and excitement written all over their faces. Their entry was followed by fellowship. This was not going to be like any other Sunday. The praise and worship was awesome and the song leaders…

The disciples from the International Churches of Christ East Africa (ICOCEA) family are gearing up for the 2014 singles retreat to be held in Moshi Tanzania. Branded “Moshi Retreat” with the theme, “Scaling the heights” drawn from Psalms 18: 29 & 33b “– In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I…

The East Africa singles 2012 retreat took place at the Jumuia Conference Centre Mtwapa, Mombasa presenting an opportunity for the singles to have a weekend of fun, fellowship, learning, serving and praising God. Charles Omollo and Mike Odwallo guided the singles on the retreat theme ‘reflections,’ drawn from Proverbs 27:19. The singles harvested the expectations that they came up with…
The disciples from East Africa region are gearing up for the largest single retreat ever held in the East African region with about 150 disciples expected to attend. This retreat which will be the fourth after Naivasha(Kenya), Maasai Mara(Kenya) and Mbale (Uganda) will for the first time have disciples drawn from Tanzania churches –Dar es…

Valentine’s Sunday-2012- A Shining star’s vantage point…. By Valentine Lamar, Austine Oduor & Janet Nzisa Saint Valentine’s Day arrived early on Sunday February 12 for the over 500 Singles of the Nairobi Christian Church who congregated at the serene grounds of the renovated Nairobi National Museum. The group consisting of the Singles and Campus took…

The trek to the singles retreat has seen standards going higher and higher with each passing event. For the 2011 singles retreat, the Kampala Church of Christ played the host to this annual event that brings together singles across the entire East African churches of Christ and beyond.