By Janet Nzisa The singles in the East Africa churches want to not only survive in their Christianity but to thrive and live life to the full. They desire not just to hang in or hang out—and certainly not to hang up—but to stand out, stand up, stand strong and shine. So round they gathered…

WALKING WHERE JESUS WALKED For those who love the Scriptures, the Biblical Study Tour opens a panorama of both history and imagination. The BST takes us to places of biblical significance (for both testaments) and can literally change the way we read God’s Word. Tour leaders: Drs. Douglas Jacoby (Atlanta) & Steve Kinnard (New York)….

By Wangu Gathitu The 30th of August saw disciples mainly drawn Philippians and Colossians throng the Kangemi grounds for the groundbreaking ceremony to usher in the new Kangemi Church which will be part of the Nairobi Christian church. The Kangemi church will serve a section of disciples from Philippians and Colossians ministry. Even the narrow…
The Auki's serve as the Lead Evangelist in Eastern Africa.
The Mondas lead the Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church
The Kimanzi's co-lead Southern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Monda's. The Odwallos lead the Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Mbuva's co-lead Eastern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Odwallo's. The Musonyes lead the Nothern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church The Otieno's co-lead Northern Bloc of the Nairobi Christian Church with the Musonyes.
Evangelist William Auki and Women's Ministry leader Victoria Auki
Evangelist Samson Monda and Women's Ministry leader Judy Monda
Mr and Mrs Wilfred and Janet Kimanzi
Evangelist Mike Odwallo and Women's Ministry leader Liz Odwallo
Evangelist Sammy Mbuva & Women's Ministry leader Eunice Mbuva
Evangelist Raymond Musonye & Women's Ministry leader Lily Musonye
Mr. and Mrs. Amos and Gakii Otieno
Eastern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820141
Northern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820162
Southern Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820157
Western Bloc:
CBA A/C No: 6481820136