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By Esther Nzula Mwanza

Indeed, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11a.

Shaka Regau (left) and Bob Mwanza (right)

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon early this year when Bob Mwanza and Shaka Regau from Chiromo Teens’ Ministry made the most significant decision; they made Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives. It was not only their baptisms that were so spectacular as witnessed by a mammoth audience which was made up of disciples, relatives, friends and the teens. Their stories are so intertwined showing how God works in miraculous ways and how he gave a double portion of his blessings as witnessed on this day.   


Bob Mwanza and Shaka Regau are talented, deep, and godly 17-year old young men.  They were in the same pre-teens class and are now in the Chiromo Teens Ministry led by Marley Mwanza and his wife Catherine. The two sat for their British curriculum International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exams last year in June and would have multiple conversations about schools, tests and exams as they studied together. This is the point at which their friendship began to blossom. As God would have it, they both enrolled at Strathmore University last year (2017) and to their amazement, they found themselves in the same class, studying the same course (DBIT- Diploma in Business and Information Technology).

Bob and the sister Esther Mwanza

According to them, being a teen disciple is not easy but making it to heaven is their main objective. For them, what you sow is what you reap and they would like to keep the right

Edward Okundi – Youth and Family Ministry leader where Bob and Shaka worship having a word with witnesses just before the baptism

Shaka and Bob were motivated by the fact that they both wanted to make it to heaven. Bob was particularly inspired by a class that was taught about getting to heaven and that discipleship is our passport. They started studying the Bible around the same time, but with different people, allowing God to work on their hearts and they later counted the cost.

According to them, being a teen disciple is not easy but making it to heaven is their main objective. For them, what you sow is what you reap and they would like to keep the right company and stay away from anything that will distract them from their goal.

The teens ministry that Shaka and Bob are part of has grown as the parents have become more united in helping their teens in forging great relationships with each other and building deeper friendships among themselves.

SWAMP camp attendance increased last year (2017) which softened the hearts of many. Things are progressing and some of our pre-teens are now teens moving into the campus ministry. The teens ministry in general has grown in many ways over the last few years. The growth might be slow but God continues to reveal himself each day. Different ministries are at different levels but their goal is one – to make the love of God known to the teens. The desire to know God has been evident among the teens.

As the new year unfolds and as we settle into the blocks where the church has now been divided into four major blocks of Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern, the teens ministry looks forward to have more baptisms, and to getting inspired by the older generation as they have more time together to grow in their unity.


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