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By Austine Oduor

The Western block disciples drawn from the 7 sectors of Kawangware, Kangemi, Kiambaa, Spring Valley, Ngara, Lavington, and Campus ministry gathered for the chilly morning service together with their guests at the Nairobi University Central Catering Unit (CCU) building on 4th March 2018.

Tewolde Woldu gave a sombre communion message from Matthew 27:45-54 in which he reflected on Christ’s birth, life and death through crucifixion on the cross.   

Christ’s death on the cross looked like it was a defeat but it was victory for God. The cross was the ultimate price of the sin and this victory brought hope for all of us. As we speak, the power of the cross has been reduced to signs and symbols. The power of the cross is eternal; it is change of our attitude and change of lifestyle. Do we have sensitivity towards God and change of our hearts? We should examine our lives before we partake the communion which reflects on the life and death of Jesus Christ.

Evangelist John Maleya delivered the sermon, The Race, the battle, the fight and the faith’  (click to listen) in three main points. The first point was, ‘anyone can do this’ drawn from John 14:12 in which he urged the congregation to put their faith on the line in order to do greater things for Jesus. God is looking for those who believe in his power.  He is ready to work with anybody and he can use anyone. We should rise up as a church.

Secondly was, ‘when he calls, heed the call’ drawn from Mark 1:16-20. When you hear his call, will you listen? There are so many calls and voices out there. Which one will you heed to? Jesus call is so distinct and it is the right call.

The last point was, ‘You will face trials but God will see you through’ 2nd Corinthians 11:16-33. Paul shares his hardship and challenges. What challenges are you going through today? Is it a sickness or terminal disease?

In 2nd Corinthians 4:16-18, God will take us through the challenge.  We should put our faith and trust in him. The bible calls us to brave the challenge.

Kevin Oduor campus ministry leader shared the good news about the baptisms of Aaron Okwaro, Clinton Omondi and Sarah Mueni who made a decision to be rebaptised while Colleta Mbithe was restored during the just concluded three day annual Campus Challenge Camp that happened on Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th, February 2018 at Rowallan Scouts Camp. He added that the campus ministry has now been integrated into Western block and they are now preparing for the East Africa 2018 Campus retreat to be held in Arusha Tanzania during the year.

Edward Okundi announced that Evangelist John Maleya with his family will be moving to their new work station in South Africa where they will lead one of the churches of Christ in Johannesburg. The day ended with the baptism of Natty Irungu from Kawangware sector.

  1. March 4, 2018

    This is very helpful Austin! I really appreciate. Thank you

  2. March 4, 2018

    Great stuff! Thanks so much for sharing these very encouraging moments.

  3. March 15, 2018

    Awesome! Thanks Austin

  4. March 21, 2018

    Thank you for your great work,this is inspiring,Glory to his Name.

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