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By Wangu Gathitu

The 30th of August saw disciples mainly drawn Philippians and Colossians throng the Kangemi grounds for the groundbreaking ceremony to usher in the new Kangemi Church which will be part of the Nairobi Christian church. The Kangemi church will serve a section of disciples from Philippians and Colossians ministry.  Even the narrow winding road could not stop the worshippers from hastening their steps towards the grounds for the ground breaking ceremony.

Kangemi 2 Kangemi 3For the past few mid – week services at YMCA Central, disciples had been reminded during the announcements of this ground-breaking ceremony.  The day was really going to be electrifying. The disciples mingled and fellowshipped excitedly.  The song leaders set the ball rolling with reflective worship songs that ushered in praise and thanksgiving ones.  “Hapa tumefika Baba ni nguvu zako,” with several other joyful songs echoed across the valley below as we clapped and tore the quiet Sunday atmosphere with piercing ululations from the sisters

The soft soil that had been leveled and overlaid with ballast was stamped and trudged on in the mix of worship and praise. How could we not celebrate our new venue with a dance for the Lord who had allowed us to worship Him in this new ground? Every shoe bore witness to the dust that was in the place. It was amazing to worship under the white tents.

Kangemi 5

Stom Al Madusi

After the fellowship break, Dan Wanimo shared a message on giving from 2Cor 8:1-15 admonishing us to share generously what we had for God’s glory. Harrison Wabuko aka Stom Al Madusi shared a rendition of the Spoken Word based on Galatians 5:1-22 about sin and its effects in our lives.

Kangemi 1

Pharis Mukuria

Pharis Mukuria then led the candidates due to sit their exams this year in a prayer. He encouraged them with two verses, one from Galatians 3:23 and the other from Matthew 6:32-34

The Lead Evangelist, John Maleya shared the main message titled, “BUILDING IN THE MIDST OF TROUBLE” with reference scripture from the book of Job 1:1-5. He pointed out that Job was a tycoon in his era, yet his riches did not get in the way of his worshipping God. He strived to please God by regularly repenting on behalf of his children, just in case they had displeased God in the midst of their goings-on. He also made it a regular custom to pray for his children. The challenge was twofold: Who ranks first in our lives, God or riches? As parents, do we realize the importance of setting a regular time to intercede for our children? Verses 6-22, he encouraged us to worship God in spite of the hardships we could be passing through. He challenged us not to have all our troubles written all over our faces. It is still possible to serve God cheerfully despite our problems. Job is a great example to emulate. He added that Satan is still growling and prowling looking for someone to bring down as he was during Job’s time, yet God had confidence in Job to not let him (God) down.

Can God trust me and you with trials and temptations confident that we will not lose focus? There’s nothing worth taking our eyes off Christ, because He is greater than anything we could possibly go through. James 1:2-8. If there’s no struggle, there’s no progress, so let’s grow to love and embrace challenges. How can we talk about a victory if there was never a challenge? Even being in our own plot was a victory. The Kangemi plot was purchased seven years ago from a landowner Mama Wanjiru who was in attendance at the service and got to be introduced to the congregation.  The conclusion of the service saw a mini harambee in aid of the land development, which will become a regular custom until the church is completely planted. The mini harambee raised Ksh. 50,000.

Kennedy Obaje from Kawangware sector noted that John’s message helped us from job’s story to trust God in the midst of discouragement.

For Anna- Karin Steinholtz, the day was great; it was fantastic to see so many people. You can tell everybody was excited, waiting for what God will do in the future at that place. I loved the preaching about Job, life is not always easy, but do we trust God or do we turn against him when we don’t get things our way?

Indeed The Lord inhabits the praises of His people! It was really an awesome day and God was really glorified.



  1. October 26, 2015

    This is so inspiring, am so encouraged. We in Kisumu have just started the journey, we are trusting that God will grant us victory. Remember us in your prayers.

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