The 12th of May 2024 was memorable for the ICOC family as the church launched…
By Carren Adhiambo Single brothers & sisters started trickling into the Arboretum grounds as early as 8.30am looking elegant and with expectancy and excitement written all over their faces. Their entry was followed by fellowship. This was not going to be like any other Sunday. The praise and worship was awesome and the song leaders…
By Dennis Mwale On 14 July 2015 the Nairobi HOPE Youth Corps (HYC) began with twelve disciples from different countries and eight local disciples from the Nairobi Christian Church Campus Ministry joining together to do one thing — serve. On the first of four days at the Nairobi Christian Church Academy we were all tentative but…
By Janet Nzisa The Nairobi Christian Church (NCC) annual teen mentors retreat took place at Savanna Lodge Tala, in Machakos County. The mentors left Nairobi at about 6pm on Saturday in a convoy of personal cars and the Nairobi Christian Academy school buses. When they arrived at the Savanna lodge in Tala, the hosts welcomed them with…
By Austine Oduor and Janet Nzisa SHANGILIA was a taste of heaven. The Safaricom Indoor Basketball Arena at Kasarani in Nairobi came alive when disciples drawn from the East Africa family of Christ and beyond gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Nairobi Christian Church and indeed the Mission work in East Africa. The…
By Austine Oduor After a festive holiday season of travel and merry making, the Nairobi Christian Church congregated for the 2015 homecoming service at the Umoja Church hall on the 18th January. The songs electrified the hall and it was great to see the awesomeness of God reflected in the praise, worship, prayers and the…
By Austine Oduor The Nairobi Christian Church hosted disciples from East Africa and beyond who congregated at the Umoja Hall for the 4th Ministry Training Academy (MTA) on 16-17 January 2015, titled, ‘Church History’. Prior to the class the students were expected to have read the book, ‘Church History in Plain Language’, by Bruce L….
As we are nearing the end of the year 2014, the Kigali International Church of Christ feels very grateful for God’s faithfulness during this year. In the sisters’ ministry, we have experienced both numerical and spiritual growth this year. We started the year 2014 with a membership of 15 sisters. Our goal and prayer was…