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Igniting the Fire at Wigot Gardens, Kisumu  Day 1 By Carren Adhiambo Pictures: Stephen Kabacho and Tabitha Muia The East African singles Retreat 2018 was held at Wigot Gardens in Kisumu, Kenya and the following coverage is just a glimpse of the fire ignited there. Travels and Arrivals The singles travelled from all over to…

By Janet Nzisa and Fred Opiyo Pictures by Abel Musungu On 12 May 2018, many countries awoke to celebrate Mother’s Day, a day set aside to commemorate the moms in our lives. Nairobi Christian Church, Eastern Block, was not to be left behind.  The service in Umoja, led by Evangelist Mike Odwallo, prepared the ground…

By Dennis Mwale Pictures by David Kamau In a bid to raise money to support the East Africa Campus Ministry Retreat 2018 to be held in Arusha Tanzania, the Campus Ministry prepared a special surprise for the moms and mother figures in the Church on Sunday 20th May at the Central Catering Unit (CCU) at…

By Albert Simiyu Pictures by Abel Musungu Sunday the 20th of May 2018 was a unique and exceptional day as the Eastern Block of the Nairobi Christian church welcomed two special families from the Greensboro Church in North Carolina, USA at the Umoja Sanctuary. The couples – Dave and Sarah Peickert who lead the Church…

The games that were played at the CID training grounds attracted very good players like Davis Monde, Mike Odwallo, Caro Mandilla, Jack Owino and William Auki among others from the Eastern and Southern blocks. After heavy rains on Saturday night the ground was muddy but the teams braved the tough conditions to display spectacular performances…

By Austine Oduor and Malinda Wheeler Photos by: Caxton Kimeu From Friday 30th March to Sunday 1st April 2018, the 2018 East Africa Marriage Retreat was held at the Grand Royal Swiss Hotel in Kenya‘s lake city of Kisumu. The ‘I Choose Us’ retreat surpassed all expectations and was the biggest ever in East Africa…

By Timothy Machuka “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 The Eldoret Christian Church held its sports day on 29th April 2018.  The day started in earnest with many trooping in wearing their sports gear and in team…

By Gilbert Wandera Saturday April 28, 2018 was a red letter day in every sense. It was a day when fathers and daughters from the Eastern block turned out for a memorable dinner dance at Triple O restaurant. The restaurant located in Utawala provided the perfect ambience and food for what turned out to be…

By Enock Kamau As they travelled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” Acts 8:36 NIV There was great jubilation in Kutus Town in Kirinyaga County when Joseph Gatimu a 2nd Year Computer science & Mathematics…

  By Austine Oduor and Fred Opiyo The International Churches of Christ in Nairobi Kenya gathered at the Umoja Sanctuary for a special Sunday service on the 8th of April 2018. The service was to bid farewell to Lead Evangelist John Maleya and his wife Jane Maleya who God had used powerfully to lead East Africa…

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