“Who we are”
The International Churches of Christ (ICOCEA), comprising ICOC family churches in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Burundi, is affiliated with the broader International Churches of Christ (ICOC). This collective of Christian churches is dedicated to living in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ as outlined in the Bible. We diligently study and endeavor to follow the entirety of the Bible, considering it inspired and inerrant. Every member is anticipated to be a disciple of Christ as per his teachings… Read More
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Acts 13:21-22 God is always looking for people who will do his will… and not just part of it, but all of it. To be one of those people, as David was, we must be a people after God’s own heart. To love the LORD with all of our hearts, mind, soul and strength is…

Sporting in the 21st century has come of age. Chess which was considered the rich man’s wit game has now become the cream of the modern society and the current generation has not been left behind either. Mid last year a call was made from the pulpit of the Nairobi Christian Church to parents whose…

The Lead Evangelist for the International Churches of Christ John Maleya, has urged the disciples to fight the good fight of faith. He spoke while delivering a sermon at the Kiambaa sector which encompasses the Ruaka and Gachie sectors on the 30th of June 2013. This was his inaugural visit and he appreciated the good…

Philippians emerged champions of this year’s Nairobi Christian Church Olympics held at Nairobi City Stadium recently collecting a maximum of 78 points and were distantly followed by the Bereans teens and Bereans campus with 46 and 38 points respectively. Galatians amassed 35 points, Ephesians 33 points; Colossians had 28 points, Macedonians 23 points and Thessalonians…

The Nairobi Christian Church Singles fraternity also known as the shining stars thronged the Umoja Sanctuary in huge numbers for a life changing all-night prayer on the 31st of May. The all-night session commenced with soul moving worship songs at 10.00pm which set a lively pace for the entire program.