The Nairobi Christian Church is gearing up for a 2 day career workshop that is scheduled to take place on 31st August and 1st September targeting primary and secondary students aged between 13-19 years old. It has become common to find people working in wrong careers which may hamper their overall growth and limit their…
It was a great moment for the Nairobi Christian church when Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Anyima Okundi were appointed as deacons of the Youth and Family Ministry within the East Africa International Churches of Christ.
Gilliane Otieno, Raisa Wanjiku (Shishi) and Maxwell Wambua from Nairobi Christian Church will represent Kenya at the World Youth Chess championships to be held in Slovania in November 2012. Gilliane (7), Shishi (9) and Maxwell (8) qualified after a competitive and challenging two day World Youth qualifiers tournament held at Oshwal Primary School in Parklands.
The disciples from East Africa region are gearing up for the largest single retreat ever held in the East African region with about 150 disciples expected to attend. This retreat which will be the fourth after Naivasha(Kenya), Maasai Mara(Kenya) and Mbale (Uganda) will for the first time have disciples drawn from Tanzania churches –Dar es…
It was such a special day for the disciples at the Nairobi Christian Church who together with their guests had braved the chilly Sunday morning to be spiritually nourished at the Umoja Sanctuary on 20th May. The day started on a high with great and vibrant worship in song and dance that warmed the hearts…
The Umoja sanctuary last Sunday was a beehive of activity as it for the first time since inauguration, hosted three maiden events within a single day. The day started with the Sunday Worship Extravaganza which is a singing devotional that was followed by a Special General meeting and the wedding between Lydia Awuor Onyango and…
Teenage-hood is a period where children need to be raised by their parent(s) as it is a crucial stage in a child’s life. Parent(s) need to be role models in their child’s life; if they don’t then, their role models will automatically become their peers. This was evident during the just concluded career day held…
The reality that death is inevitable and the dread that comes with the thought of the funeral expenses is always chilly, because of the traditional culture where death in itself is a ceremony and where the dead are not buried immediately. This burden is mainly shouldered by the deceased’s family and if it happens that…

As the disciples around the world prepare for the World Discipleship Summit in the summer of 2012 in San Antonio Texas, the worship team of Nairobi Christian Church had a priviledge to be part of the team involved in coming up with the theme song and a special video for the conference of disciples from our churches…

The Nairobi Christian Church had a great week hosting Dave and Beth Procta who oversee the youth and Family Ministry in the International Churches of Christ. At the Sunday Worship service at Nairobi’s Umoja Sanctuary on 29th April 2012, Dave gave a simple, succinct message full of anecdotes that left the congregation on the edges…